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  The number of examinees for IELTS test is expected to increase in the year 2009. However, the level of difficulty of the speaking section of the test will not change dramatically. There is only one thing that should be concentrated and improved on, that is the examinees should begin to think and create their own answers and organize their own ideas. It is guaranteed that the demand of the examiner for more opinionated and knowledgeable answers in 2009 will rise severely. Examiners are already annoyed and irritated to hear the same answers in the exam. For the question “Tell me something about your hometown” examinees will definitely answer “ It is a beautiful city!” ; “ What is your favorite pet ? ” the answer will be “ Dog, because it is very cute !” Answers are already too predictable for the examiner to be interested to listen and give a high band score , if they are not satisfied with his/her answer then the band score will not be ideal .
  In order to gain an excellent band score you have to impress the examiner by communicating with them in a different perspective, giving them different information and showing that you are knowledgeable about the topics that you are discussing with them. Nevertheless, gathering knowledge and information will take a huge amount of time. If aiming to have an excellent band score for IELTS in 2009, examinees should plan ahead of time and begin to prepare for the exam. Here are some few suggestions that they can start working on.
  1. Start to read articles about the topics related to IELTS Oral English and make some research and find some specific information that can be directlyused in the test. Topics about Law, Pollution, Foreign country, Arts etc. can be read in different magazines and websites.
  2. Talk about topics like Fashion, Magazine, Best Friend , TV program , Book , Hobby with friends and classmates that can make examinees attain other ideas through conversing with them . Listen or list some of the unique things they say about these topics. These will be very useful for future reference for your test.
  3. Seek an opportunity to organize a small group for brainstorming. Two heads are better than one so by using plenty of brains together, there will absolutely be a creative result.
  4. Purchase a credible IELTS book where you can find sample answers and variety of outlines to acquire an idea about how to organize an answer. However, you should remember that this book is for reference only and not for memorizing the answers on it.
  5. Find a professionaleducator of IELTS that can share their creativeness and cultivate them to be creative in their answer. They can guide them to have uniqueness in their thoughts and ideas.