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2009雅思口语新题:A Car or Vehicle

  Describe a car or vehicle you would like to have in the future
  You should say:本文来源:和谐英语
  -Which will you choose (motorbike or car)
  -What it will look like
  -How much it will cost
  -And explain why you'd like to buy it
  Which will you choose: In the future I would like to have a BMW car. I think BMW makes the slickest car on the road. First, I would choose a car rather thank a motorbike or truck because cars are a nice mix between maneuverability and versatility. A big rig like a truck wastes a lot of gas. A motorcycle can get good mileage, but they do not work well in snowstorms.
  slickest = sexiest, coolest. 最酷的
  例句:That is a really slick boat, where did you buy it?
  nice mix = good combination. 很好的结合
  例句:College is a nice mix between work and fun.
  mileage = fuel efficiency. 油耗
  例句:This car gets really poor mileage.
  What it will look like: I would want to buy a red, mid-sized BMW. I would pick blue because it is a color that stands out in a crowd. I would keep it washed and spruced-up all the time so that the it would turn the girls' heads. It is always difficult to wow someone with your car if the inside looks like a pigsty.
  stands out in a crowd = is noticeable. 引人注目的
  例句:The tall man really stood out in the crowd.
  turn the girls' heads = capture the attention of girls 引起女孩的注意
  例句:The fancy watch turned all of the peoples' heads.
  wow = impress. 使...有印象 和谐英语
  例句:Tom wowed his boss with his presentation
  spruced-up = clean, looking nice. 干净的、清洁的
  例句:I spruced up my room before my mom came home.
  pigsty = messy, untidy, dirty 脏的 乱的
  例句:Wow, did you see Rob's house, it was a pigsty!
  How much it will cost: The car will cost a pretty penny. BMWs are not a poor man's car. Most people who drive them are really loaded. In light of this, it will probably take some time before I can shell out the money to buy one.
  pretty penny = expensive 贵的
  例句:Buying a new house costs a pretty penny, its expensive.
  a poor man's = inexpensive 便宜的
  例句:It's a poor man's beer, but it is my favorite beer.
  loaded = wealthy 有钱的 富有的
  例句:Kim is loaded, she is very rich.
  In light of = acknowledging … 考虑到…
  例句:In light of gas prices, I suggest we walk.
  shell out = spend 花、花费
  例句:I don't want to shell out 10 dollars for a hamburger.
  And explain why you'd like to buy it: I would like to buy a BMW because a good car is a mark of pride in my country. Not all cars are the same. I really like cars and tend to dote all of my attention and money on them. I love the feeling of driving on the open road. I like driving with the pedal to the metal, going as fast as the car will go. I love to go joy riding at night without the lights. It is a hear-stopping experience. I guess I really want the car as a trophy show off to my coworkers. If I owned a BMW I would be the envy of the whole office.
  mark of pride = an important symbol or respect. 身份的象征.
  例句:Having a good watch is a mark of pride in some European countries.
  dote ... on = give all attention to 溺爱…… 倾其热情于…
  例句:Kyle loves his children-he is always doting on them and spoiling them.
  pedal to the metal = go as fast as possible 把汽车油门踩到最大 全速前进
  例句:Sue puts the petal to the metal when she drives long distances.
  heart stopping = thrilling, very frightening 令人震撼的 吓人的
  例句:Watching the boy fall off the cliff was a heart-stopping experience.
  show off = display with pride 炫耀
  例句:I am going to show off my spoken English to my brother when I get home.
  envy of the whole office = the entire office would be envious. 全办公室羡慕的对象
  例句:Tom's boat was the envy of the whole office. Everyone wanted to ride in it.