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  online shopping
  example: Taobao.com, ebay.com, Amazon.com,
  A, convenient, highly effective
  B, price comparison
  C, wider variety of choices
  D, loss of traditional shopping experience
  Girls: we are just enjoying the process.
  E, concern over financial security of online paying
  Trojanhorse software (木马软件)
  account number and password
  F, lack of opportunity to check the product before buying it
  2,人们一般去哪里购物 为什么?
  hypermarket: Carrrefoure, Walmart, etc. great variety of choices, comparatively low price.
  department stores: Ganghui Plaza in Xujiahui populated with luxury brands, great shopping experience but astonishing price.
  convenient stores: as its name suggests, it is hugely convenient. 24-7, which means, it is open ... non-stop
  vendor: casual shopping, usually not expensive, especially accessories, necklaces, ear rings, bracelets, etc / so on / the like / stuff like that.
  vending machine: nearby., you can find one in any given neighbourhood.
  you should always have either changes or coins.
  spare time?
  you know, honestly, as a typical student of science / technology major in a university in China, I can hardly think of any spare time.(痛苦状) all there are are only endless assignments, experiments, lectures and papers (祥林嫂状) one after another. i truly wish i could think of anything i do in spare time to answer your question, but indeed, I've got no spare time, i am not spared.(眼含泪花)
  ... is located in the ... part of the city
  dormitory building
  apartment building
  made of brick 砖 glass curtain wall 玻璃幕墙
  spacious / narrow
  convenient / inconvenient, 10 minutes walking from the university gate
  university / college / research institute
  middle school / high school
  covering a large area, i can't say exactly how many acres are there, but it takes me 20 minutes to walk from my dormitory to the university gate.
  prestigious in its academic research
  outstanding faculty
  gourmet food in the dining hall
  lovely campus
  gorgeous boys / girls
  you know, since i was a young boy, my mom always told me that one day i should be a teacher. she is a teacher, my dad is a teacher, so reasonably they want me to become a teacher as well.
  A, you should be academically strong.
  B, you should get a master's degree to make a beautiful CV
  C, you should improve on presentational skills
  D, you should study psychology to understand your students
  E, last and foremost, you should learn to love teaching.
  well, basically we should understand the need to balance work and entertainment, or else, like the old saying goes, all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
  A, improve on your time management.
  planning ahead to save time
  B, always set aside some time to talk and play with my family
  quality time (与家人团聚的时间)
  healthy food
  there are many theories on healthy foods. i do not know which one is right, since they all sound plausible. only thing i know is that we should eat as many kinds of foods as we can to stay healthy. maybe eating too much meat will not be good for our hearts, but eating only vegetables will also lead to health problems. oh i forgot to mention that food can be healthy only when it is scientifically cooked. for example, too much cooking oil will do us bad.
  history books
  fictions / novels
  science fictions
  thrillers Shining
  suspensors the Da vinchi code
  best-sellers the world is flat
  my life
  course books
  According to on study by Francis Bacon (培根,论读书), reading makes one wise.