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2010年2月6日雅思口语真题范例Part 1

  Topic: TV
  Question: Did you ever watch TV programs from other countries?
  Model Response: Yes, I did. Many Chinese people are now able to have access to foreign TV channels and programs. Last summer I watched a series of TV programs called The Animal Kingdom on Discovery Channel from the USA. It was really exciting to know so many secrets in the natural world.
  Topic: Magazine和谐英语
  Question: Do you think reading foreign magazines and newspapers can help you learn a new language?
  Model Response: Yes, I do. Learning a foreign language requires both patience and a lot of resources. And magazines and newspapers in that foreign language are an extremely valuable resource for learners. Personally speaking, I have learned a lot of great idioms, interesting phrases and insightful perspectives from Time Magazine.
  Topic: Weather
  Question: Do you often pay attention to weather forests?
  Model Response: Well, yes and no, I suppose. If you are talking about weather forests on TV after the regular news report, I don’t give a damn about it. But I often check the local weather conditions in the next few days on the Internet, especially during the winter, to see if there is a sudden change in temperature.