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雅思口语Part 2描述题的策略及分析

  4W— When, Where, Who, What, Why;
  1H— How
  【真题实例】 Describe a festival that is popular in your country.
  You should say:
  What the festival is
  What time of year it is
  What people do during this festival
  Whether this festival has changed in recent years.
  【答题思路】 以该例为代表的事件题最容易从时间,地点,人物角度入手探寻素材。话题卡本身会以特殊疑问句形式给出四个方面提示。就该题而言,what time=when, what people do=how, 对照4W+1H, 我们还可以自己加三点提示,即where to celebrate, with whom to spend,和why it is important to celebrate。那么内容一下子增加了近一半。
  e 卡片提示(4点)
  (what)The Spring Festival, is one of the/major traditional festivals in China.
  (when)It falls on the first day of the first lunar month.
  (what to do)Ways to celebrate the Chinese new year vary from place to place, but generally speaking, setting fireworks and firecrackers is a shared tradition and people across China decorate their house with the red color.
  (whether)In recent years, Spring festival is more like a time for family get-together and personal relaxation , not a tradition to celebrate.
  e 可增加的内容(3点)
  (where) Chinese people would like to spend the holiday at home, watching TV or playing mahjong.
  (who) On this day, family members who study or work away from home all come back and stay together. It is a time for family reunion.
  (why) It is essential to have such a festival to celebrate, coz it offers the working people a chance to slow down, to strengthen the family bond and more importantly, to remember their tradition.
  【旁征博引】 对于卡片题的另外三类主流话题(人物,地点,物品),这种拓展方法同样适用。人物题可谈及与之认识的时间(when did you meet, how long have you met),地点(where did you meet each other),一起做什么(what do you do together),原因(why you two became friends), 如何联系(how do you keep in touch)。地点题可谈及的内容有:第一次/上次去的时间(when did you first go there, what is the last time you went there),该地点具体位置(where is it located),和谁去过这个地方(with whom did you go there),该地方有什么(what does this place have),怎么去这个地方(How to get there),为什么这个地点有名(why is it famous)。物品题思路拓展:什么时间得到的(when did you get this thing),在哪可以看到或者买到(where did you first saw it or where can you buy it),谁介绍的或者送的(who recommend or gave it to you),为什么喜欢或不喜欢(why do you like/dislike it),如何使用(how to use it)。
  【真题实例】 Describe a close friend
  You should say:
  Who the friend is
  Where ad when you first met
  What you like about this friend
  Whether this person is popular with other people.
  【答题思路】 根据卡片题的提示以及上述第一种拓展策略,多数人能够对于该话题给出五至八句话的回答。即每个疑问词引出一句话。然而,要讲满一到两分钟这些内容还远远不够。朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生运用S+E法,把已想出的五至八句话看作是论点句(statement),紧接每句给予细节支撑(example)。
  【细节详解】 细节的给出有多种方法,包括:解释说明,作比较,因果论证,举例子。依次例证如下:
  e S : We got to know each other when I was in junior high school.
  E:which means, we have been friends for more than ten years.
  e S: She is a good-looking girl.
  E: In fact, if you look a little bit closer, she bears some resemblance with Zhang Ziyi, a well-known film star in China, also a famous Chinese beauty in western countries.来源:http://www.hxen.net
  e S: One of the very few differences between us is that she is more hard-working.
  E: As a result, she used to score higher than me in high school.
  eS : I like her because she is considerate and sensitive.
  E: Whenever we were together, she acted like a big sister, supportive and caring. Even now when we are apart, she always surprises me by sending from afar a birthday gift to me.
  e S : We used to have great time together.
  E: We both were huge fan of Jackie Chen. Together, we watched every movie of him. After school, we used to haunt stationary shop and bought this or that kind of book, sticker, and so on.
  【旁征博引】 这种对于每个新信息点都尽量给出细节说明的方法不仅能够用于拓展Part 2卡片题内容,也可以用于口语第一和第三部分。是使空洞话题变得有话聊的切实有效的策略。尤其是Part 3的问题,因为抽象,难度相对Part 1有提高,十分有必要学会提供论据,不仅内容丰富了,观点也得到了论证,更具说服力。