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Part 1典型案例:


Q: What kind of flowers has special meanings in China?


A1: ...er...peony, which means “rich”. And..um..rose means “love”.

A2: Well, I am afraid I really don’t know much about flowers, but everyone knows that roses mean” love”. And that is also the case in China. As to other flowers, I bet my father has a better understanding of their different meanings. Actually, he is planning to grow some in the garden of our new house.


Answer 1是多数考生碰到类似这种不太有话说的问题时的回答,明显在内容和篇幅上都过于简短。相比较而言,之所以Answer 2要更具体,内容会更丰富,就是本着从日常生活入手的原则。实事求是讲到“自己不太懂花”,而“老爸对花比较感兴趣”。分析认为,我们很多考生有一种误解,觉得不该在考试时说“不知道”,于是顶着头皮死撑,结结巴巴说不好。其实say no的方式有很多,像这里A2开场用的I am afraid I really don’t know much about…这一句就是很好的一种表达“不知道”的方法。


A1: I’d like to talk about Yaoming who is from shanghai. He is a famous basketball player. He is now in NBA. He is special because he is very tall. He is also a kind man who takes part in charity.

A2: Well, I have to say that sports is really not my cup of tea. Actually, P.E lessons have always been a nightmare to me all through my school life. That may explain why I am not a fan of any sports star. But um, I think I can tell something about Yaoming, who is a basketball player from shanghai. I bet you’ve heard of him, since he is now a NBA star. You can see him on TV commercial, billboards, posters, etc. All of these prove how famous he is. He is a very tall man. I can hardly imagine how it would be if I were standing beside him. A striking contrast! Apart from that, Yao is the kind of sports star who would like to help others. I once read an article saying that Yao is one of the richest men in China and he devotes much to charity.



Part 3典型案例:


Q: what do you think will the buildings be like in the future?


A1: …(无语)maybe in the future there will be more buildings because the population is growing. And the buildings may be even higher because of the limited land resource.

A2: Well, the question actually reminds me of a piece of news I read on line the other day. You know, as two major earthquakes took place in China within two years, and many other natural disasters happened across the globe, architects are busy constructing buildings that can sustain heavy stress. In particular, they aim to construct the kind of building that can sway rather than break under the stress of an earthquake.


对于part 3的话题,建议考生添加细节,否则很多问题都会觉得难以拓展开。以该题为例,A2提出将来的房屋“会抗压性更强,用以抵御各种自然灾害”不仅内容丰富还很有新意和内涵。这就要求考生平时要多积累,勤思考,看到一些与雅思口语话题相关的新闻故事多留个心眼,不妨记下以备不时之需。
