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May I know your full name? Where’re you from? Where’s your home town? What it famous for? a change in your home town/ your town and the biggest change

Did you go the museum when you are young? When did your last time to the museum? Is there any famous museum in your country? Many museums sell things to the visit, do you think it right?

a place you visited where you leant past

a place you visited where you leant past

A place with water/ a perfect garden (park)/ a place you'd like to visit

primary school

visit a place that you hadn't been before

A modern building/ an interesting building

school/ library

Tourist attraction

Company / website/ Shopping centre

A city you visited/ a story of city

Ideal home/house/ hometown

Which parts do you like best in your town?


Describe a successful people

a friend visit you, who him/her is? What’s the time? what did you do? What’s your feeling?

An old person/an interesting old person
someone you live together

Foreign/Chinese famous people/ A foreigner/celebrity from a foreign country


A friend/neighbor/colleague /a person you would like to spend time with
A person who took care of you in your childhood

a person who you helped before/ Sb. who gave you important help

A successful person/famous person /Someone you want to be similar to in the future

A person who is good at his /her work
A teenager/ cook
A family you are familiar with (not your family)

Sb. you (admire)want to talk to

A roommate/a person you live with

A family /a family member you spend most of the time with/


Events (public event)—

What do you usually do in your daily life? When do you feel more active? Why?

a funny news story

a special meal
a walk with your friend

describe a hobby you enjoyed when you were a child.

the advantages and disadvantages of advertisements

describe a kind of sports that you will be good at? what is the sport?why do you want to be good at?is there any difficulties for you to be good at?

A weekend/ a walk you took

Party/ festival/ childhood/ game

A healthy lifestyle/ a traditional Chinese story

Extreme sports/ unplanned trip/ Business trip/ Leisure activities

Science lesson internet/computer season

Conversation picnic/ meal /outdoor activities

Future plan news success Happy event recently /wedding (family event / birthday)



Something you good at

Something you celebrate in your country

Describe an advertisement: What is it advertised? What contains in the advertisement? What kind of people will interest in this advertisement? Explain why you think this advertisement works well?

Knowledge quiz show on TV (纸上面的)

Q1 list any famous knowledge quiz show .How do people like it?

Q2 Can you take the knowledge quiz show? How?

Q3 what will you need to prepare the knowledge quiz show if you need attend it?

an old thing in your home, and why you keep it?

describe one TV program you watched but not enjoy, when and where? why?

an ideal job/ an interesting job/ Describe a job/ What kind of job do you like? Where do you get the information about the job?

If you get the job, what will you do?

sound that you like

a type of music/ Music in childhood/childhood game

a special meal


Something you bought but seldom use

an electrical equipment(except computer) /Invention
sth DIY
a childhood book/ a book that you like

An interesting piece of news
Letter / Email
a film/ machine / an interesting law

A gift/ toy you gave to your friend or other people
something you lost
a well-known Children’s Story in your country

Old things that your family keeps/ handicraft

Science lesson/ newspapers/magazine

Second language you want to learn

Sth. you bought recently/ special clothes

Advertisement/ change/advice

An important stage in your life