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Exercise is necessary for good health and everybody knows about this but not everyone is willing to do it especially on a daily basis. I started using the treadmill around January of this year. This was advised by my best friend because she was concerned about my continuous weight gain. Doing the treadmill serves as our cardio exercise for a healthier heart. This is also to keep our body fit. At first, I did it once a week, then twice a week, then thrice a week, until such time that I am now able to do it on a regular basis. I am currently doing the treadmill everyday. One thing about exercise is that it should be done consistently too otherwise, everything would be in vain. I used to go to my best friend’s house to use her treadmill but now I go to the gym because it is nearer our place. The first few days, weeks, and months seem to be a drag as I forced myself to walk to the gym. Nowadays, I am up and above at five o clock in the morning ready and eager to jog to the gym just to use the treadmill. It has now become a routine, a habit, and a lifestyle. When we use the treadmill, we are actually walking, running or jogging which is good for our heart and blood circulation. Some people are bored with it because they claimed that using the treadmill may make us physically active but mentally idle. Because of this, some people go to the gym with their earphones so that they could listen to music while doing their treadmill. Some students do their memorization of exams while they are doing the treadmill. But most of the treadmills in the gyms nowadays have television sets at the front section of the equipment so that the user could watch television programs or news while using the treadmill.

Part III-- In part III of the IELTS Oral English , the candidates are expected to discuss about topics related to part II or topics related to social knowledge or social problems.

1. Compare and contrast

Which do you think is more useful electrical equipment TV or computer?

Choice: Computer

A computer is definitely a more useful electrical equipment than TV …..

We can maximize our computer usage more as compared to TV…

A computer is more worth investing on as compared to TV ….


1. because we could watch TV programs, listen to music, chat with friends and do paper works by using a computer which we cannot do by using TV.

2. because we can download our choice of movies and TV series using a computer while we are limited to whatever TV programs that our channels or cables are able to offer using the TV alone.

3. because we can do networking and transact business using a computer which we cannot do when we use TV.

TV: We are limited to news, commercials and programs that TV stations and channels are able to offer.


A computer is more worth investing on as we could maximize the usage of it more as compared to TV.

Sample answer:

A computer is definitely a more useful electrical equipment than TV because we could watch TV programs, listen to music, chat with friends and do paper works with it. We can also maximize the use of computer because we are able to download our choice of movies and TV series and also do networking and transact business with it. We are not able to do all these things just by using TV because we are limited to news, commercials and programs that the TV stations and channels are able to offer.

2. Opinion

Do you think electrical equipments can really make our lives much easier?

Choice: YES

Electrical equipments can really make our lives much easier…

I agree that electrical equipments can really make our lives much easier …

I think that electrical equipments can really make our lives much easier …


1. for the reason that they do our work and tasks for us.

2. because it saves us our precious time and money.

3. because it was purposefully designed to make us convenient in the first place.

NO: Some of the electrical equipments tend to make life more complicated by its intricacies.


I think that most of the electrical equipments can really make our lives much easier though there are a few equipments that tend to make life more complicated for us.

Sample answer:

I think that electrical equipments can really make our lives much easier for the reason that they do our work and tasks for us. And because of this, it saves our precious time and money. I also agree that electrical equipments can make our lives easier because they were purposefully designed to make us convenient in the first place.

3. Solutions

Nowadays, people rely on using electrical equipments too much such as computer that makes them less efficient in practical work like spelling or grammar. What do you think is the solution to this problem?


I suggest that the user must know how to use a manual typewriter first before he learns to use a computer…

I advise that people should learn the basics such as spelling, grammar, addition, subtraction, multiplication and division …

It would really be advisable to learn the manual equipments prior to the electrical equipments


1. So that he could still to a typing job even when a computer is not available.

2. because we use these things everyday even when there are no computers or calculators around to help us.

3. so that the person would not be too dependent on the electrical equipments and still be productive even when the said equipment is not around.


A person who knows how to drive a manual car has more advantage than a person who knows how to drive an automatic car without knowing how to drive a manual car.

Sample answer:

It would really be advisable to learn the manual equipments prior to the electrical equipment so that the person would not be too dependent on the electrical equipment and still be productive even when the said equipment is not around. Likewise, I suggest that people should know how to use the manual typewriter first before knowing how to use the computer so that they could still do a typing job even when a computer is not available. I advise that people should learn the basics such as spelling, grammar, addition, subtraction, multiplication and addition because we use these things everyday even when there are no computers or calculators around to help us.