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  以下是小编为大家搜索整理的有关雅思口语范文Person 相关信息介绍,每年雅思写作会涉及到Person方面的考题,所以一下雅思口语范文考生可以借鉴里面的短语、句子或思路,给自己的写作找一些思路和灵感。
  雅思口语考试中关于A Person You Learned Something From话题经常出现,考官一般会要求你Describe a person you learned something from等等。下面为大家整理了雅思口语考官关于这类话题的具体问题及参考答案,考生可以提前看一下,再根据自己的实际情况来组织新的回答内容和思路。
  You should say:
  - who this person is (or, was)
  - what you learned from them (= him or her)
  - in what situation you learned this
  and explain how you felt about learning from this person.
  Part 3
  Do you think whether someone is a good student or not depends on the quality of the teacher?
  Do you think poor (= not very good) students are a result of low quality teachers?
  Do you think poor students will become better if they have a better teacher?
  What are the qualities of a good teacher?
  Is it important for a teacher to be "popular" with the students?
  I’m going to talk about my father because he has been a major influence in my life.
  My father was always a good role model for me as I was growing up. He’s hard-working, patient and understanding; he’s also got a good sense of humour and seems to get on well with everybody. Hopefully I’ve inherited some of these traits.
  I admire my father because I think he brought me and my brothers/sisters up well; he was quite strict but always fair, and he has always been someone I can turn to for advice. I think my father set a good example by working hard and having a positive outlook on life. I remember that he used to leave for work early and come home quite late, but he always made time for me and my brothers/sisters.
  以上即是雅思口语范文Person 话题介绍,大家在备考雅思口语时可以结合以上提到的内容进行练习,俗话说熟能生巧,考生朋友们加油!