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  一、 Basic Information
  What’s your name?
  Does your name have any special meanings?
  Have you thought about changing your name?
  What are some popular names in your country?
  Why do people change their names?
  What kind of people would change their names?
  专家点评:当被问到What’s your name?考生万不可简单回答,My name is……。最好的表达为套用从句,比如你可以尝试:It’s my English teacher who …… 。It should mean to be……。
  1) Major
  What is your major?
  What do you think of your major?
  Why did you choose your major?
  Did your major bring you any interests?
  Which part of your major is interesting?
  Do many people from your hometown study the same major as yours?
  Are you working or studying?
  Is it difficult to find a job?
  How did you get your job?
  What job did you hope to do when you were a child?
  What is your dream job?
  Work or family, which is more important?
  3) School
  What type of school are you studying at?
  Would you choose a secondary school for your children?
  4) study
  What is your favourite subject at school?
  When do you study during a day?
  When do you have the best efficiency on studying?
  Where are you from?
  Is your hometown suitable for young people?
  What is the climate like in your hometown?
  专家点评:hometown的题常常也会涉及weather,如果你想表达四季分明,你可以说:four seasons are well distinguished.
  Are you from a big family or small family?
  专家点评:Family 问题出现时,有的考生可能会想到四世同堂:four generation live under one roof. 一定要注意,这里是under 而不是in.
  二、 Daily Routines
  How do you usually celebrate birthdays? What are some important birthdays in your culture?)
  Where do you prefer to live, in the cities or in the countryside? What are the differences between cities and villages?
  Where is the climate you like? What is the climate like in China? Have you experienced any climates in other countries?
  What kind of clothes do you like? What is your favourite clothes? Have you bought any designer clothes?
  专家点评:designer clothes同样可以被说成“tailor made”。
  Do you travel by public transportations? How often do you travel by public transportation? Why? What do you like to do on public transportations? Why? Have you ever been bothered by the noise while travelling?
  Do you prefer to use computers or papers at work?
  Emails and Letters
  Which do you prefer, email or letter? Do you keep the letters you received? Will email take place of pens in the future?
  Free time
  What do you like to do in your free time/leisure time?
  Do you like parks? How often do you go to parks? What do you do in the parks? Are there any parks near where you live? What functions do parks have?
  Do you live in a house or an apartment? Do you like living in big houses? Do you like your room? How would like your future house to be? What kind of house do you like to live in?
  专家点评:注意被问到“would like”是,要用虚拟语气。
  What do you think of noise? What effects does noise have on your life? Why are there so many noises? Can you hear noise at where you live? What do you think of the noise at work places? What kind of sound/natural sound do you like?
  What functions do telephone/your mobile phone have? What is the most important function for you? Why are cellphones getting more and more important?
  In what way do you usually shop/buy things? Do you like shopping? Where do you usually go shopping? Do you buy things from the internet?
  Which do you like most, morning, afternoon or evening? When is your favourite time to study in? When do you relax yourself? What’s your plan for the week?
  What kind of transportation do you like? Why? What is the public transportation like in your city? Do you like walking?
  How often do you visit your friends? Do you prefer to be visited or to visit others?
  What weather do you like? Do you prefer cold weather or hot weather? What’s the weather like in your hometown?
  What do you like to do on weekends? What do you plan to do next weekend? What are you final weekdays like?
  专家点评:“Plan to do”意味着用将来时。考生请注意不同问法间时态的转换。
  三、 Hobbies and Entertainment
  Do you have a car? What is you idea about self driving tour?
  What do you like to collect? Do you think it is important to collect something? What is the real meaning of keeping collections? What did you collect when you were a child? If you have a lot of money, what will you collect? Do you think collecting something is good for children?
  How often do you do exercises/work out? What is your favourite kind of exercises?
  What kind of places do like to travel to? What are the problems when you are travelling? Why do people go a long way for travelling?
  What would do for a short holiday?
  Indoor Activities
  What indoor sports do you like?
  Reading (Do you like reading? What kind of books do you like to read?)
  Restaurant (Do you like to eat in a restaurant or at home?)
  Sports (Do you like sports? What is your favourite sport?)
  Can you dance? Do you like dancing? What kind of dance do you like? What kind of dance is suitable for old/young/Chinese people?
  Can you drive? When did you learnt to drive? Who taught you to drive?
  How important is your native language in the world today? Can you speak any other second language except English? How many languages can you speak? What are the benefits of studying foreign languages? Is it difficult for you to study a foreign language?
  五、People and Animals
  Do you know your neighbours? Do you get along with your neighbours? Why do you think people know less about their neighbours than before? How important is good neighbourhood?
  Do you like meeting new people? Did you often meet new people when you were a child? How do you make new friends? What does friendship mean to you? What kind of people are friends?