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  文体爱好这个话题是雅思口语考试中老生常谈,备受考官青睐的热门主题。而从2012年年初开始,运动这个话题尤其火热,与其相关的问题可以贯穿于雅思口语三个部分。可能一般学生都会认为这个话题比较简单,因为我们大部分烤鸭们更多的是在讲运动给我们带来的好处,比如说make us stronger and healthier, build our strength and lift our spirit,take my mind off the things that annoy me等等。毋庸置疑这些想法绝对没有错,但是对于考官来说这是非常boring and dull, 缺乏创意的,十足的cliche。所以雅思口语对于运动的考点也在不断的改革和包装,尤其在Part II的卡片题中,由老题Describe an outdoor activity转变成Your favorite physical activity, 再转变成A sport event/ A sport star you like, 最近又演变成A sport event you watched on TV。我们不难发现,雅思口语考试对于运动考点的难度系数越来越高。打破传统的简单描述单项运动,考官更想听到的是烤鸭们能够就某一种运动比如说篮球,足球运动过程的表达,尤其是在一个具体体育事件中的运动员的表现和技巧,并且是通过电视(没有现场的激动的体验),这需要烤鸭们具备运动相关的专有性词汇,而不是一些非常简单的形容词的罗列。但是对于大部分的烤鸭们来说,他们本身对于体育就是一个layman, 除非有非常强的兴趣和平时积累,否则就只能求人品过关了。

  在笔者的教学经验中,我一直给学生们灌输的一个思想就是想法决定一切。尤其是Part II的Event部分,你的开场决定考官对你的印象和关注,你选择描述的方向决定你的成败。对于体育事件,很多烤鸭们当下的反应可能就是李娜的Tennis Tournament, 郭晶晶的Diving Competition, 或者是姚明的basketball game。其实烤鸭们可以有很多选择,但是考虑到第三部分引申出来的问题,你的选择的前提一定是在能力范围内并且容易发挥,能够有所创新的。在这里,朗阁海外考试研究中心给大家提供两个可供参考的选择:

  A. 2008 Olympic games held in Beijing

  B. International Pair Figure Skating Tournament


  开场:对于很多抽象性和艺术性话题,比如说A movie, A piece of music, 很多考生们在开场时就会显得平庸和单调,缺乏亮点和说服力,从而显得非常不真实。其实,对于任何一个人,在他的一生中都不仅仅只看过一部电影,或者只听过一首歌,或者只看过一次体育事件,而在考试时你只能选择其中一场或者一部,跟其他的相比,这一场或者一部一定是独特的。

  As a big fan of sports, I have watched dozens of both domestic and international sport events so far, among which, the most impressive/unforgettable one should be the 2008 Olympic games held in Beijing/ International Pair Figure Skating Tournament that I watched on TV around 4 years ago.

  展开:对于事件性话题的展开,或者在讲故事时,我们不能忘记的是Everything happens with reasons, 我们可以以该体育事件的重要性或者独特性为热身,导入。The Olympic Games is considered to be the most important international sporting and cultural festival which attracts people from almost every corner of the world to watch. Winning the chance to hold the Olympic Games can even bring great glory and honor to a country; 值得骄傲的是,China was announced to be the host of 2008 Olympic Games, in which Chinese nation takes pride 所以As one of patriotic Chinese, I could not help waiting in front of TV and watching it. 但是大家知道,奥运会包括多项运动项目,对于该话题,烤鸭们是非常有必要讲到自己所喜欢的项目的。或者It was the final of the International Pair Figure Skating Tournament that captured people’s attention and imagination. Actually, I am not a big skating fan, and I even used to be fear of skating which is like an impossible mission for me. But 4 years ago when I turned on TV and watched the sport event by chance, I was totally amused by the performance of the elite skaters from different countries like Sweden, Russia and China competing for the championship. Their graceful and fluid footwork was very impressive, when the female skater spun around her partner, she was like a lightsome butterfly. And what was the climax of the event for me was the moment when Chinese athletes Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo entered the rink. I was extremely surprised to see Chinese faces who are the top pair of skaters in China. With great excitement and expectation, I concentrated all my attention on the screen. They effortlessly executed every element in their programme: difficult throws, spins and a high triple-twist. Their rarely seen forward-outside death spiral earned them prolonged applause from the audiences and a higher mark than the proceeding athletes.

  结尾:对于事件话题,可能大部分烤鸭们觉得很简单,草草的用一些形容词比如说happy, memorable来收尾,这是没有很强的说服力的,更多的是需要衬托出对于这个事件的收获。

  The Olympic Games/ International Pair Figure Skating Tournament was really a visual feast which is filled with magic and miracle. Although it always comes with success and failure, the spirit and effort that athletes show us tell us how important it is for us to rise to the challenge and never compromise on difficulties and fear.