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  随着2013年的到来,在大多数人开始制定新一年的新计划之时,雅思口语考试也换上了新年喜气的衣裳,生机昂然的步入新的一年,从今年1月、2月出现的新话题大家也可以显而易见的发现这种变化,尤其是植物、小时候的游戏、秀、表演等话题。但是这些充满活力和快乐的话题,却很难让大多数的烤鸭们excited, 相反,给烤鸭们带来的是打击和挫败感。因为这些话题的专向性太强,需要烤鸭们拥有丰富且地道的词汇,平时留心关注和对这些话题感兴趣是成功回答这些话题的关键。而这恰恰是大部分中国学生所难做到的,尤其是植物,可能很多烤鸭们对于植物相关的英文名称都不熟悉,而要描述2分钟就更是难上加难了。但是雅思口语考试并不会同情大家,从1-2月的几场口语考试来看,这个话题的出现频率是非常高的,相信这个新题在短时间不会失去考官的宠爱。所以,为了给各位在雅思口语考试第一战线上备受凌辱或者努力奋战的烤鸭们提供非常有帮助和价值的一手救命资料,本文中,笔者将对该话题进行分析和说明,希望烤鸭们都能够得到自己理想的分数。


  Describe an important plant in your country (such as vegetables, flowers, fruits, trees, etc). You should say:

   What plant it is

   How you know it/ where it grows

   Why it is important

   Explain how you like the plant


  仙人掌 Cactus

  相信地球人都知道这种可爱而又坚韧不拔的植物,包括考官,所以烤鸭们不用担心自己是否可以和考官有互动或者共鸣。不过,大家不能忽略cue card上的四个问题,尤其是第三个问题,如何来烘托出仙人掌在中国是重要的呢?这种植物对于全世界来说,尤其是生活在沙漠中的人来说是非常重要的,如果想征服考官,我们就必须要给仙人掌赋予中国风和中国特色。所以,接下来笔者也会按照本人一贯使用的逻辑方式来进行分析和解答。



  Well, I would like to describe a plant which most of people may think of first when we imagine a desert subject to great drought and scorching hot. You may have figured out what plant it is. Yes, it is the cactus which is renowned for its tenacious vitality in the extremely adverse growing environment and unique appearance different from most of other plants on earth.



  Actually, the cactus was quite familiar to me when I was a little girl as my mom used to plant it in our yard where i spent a lot of time observing and waiting for other flowers to bloom. Without beautiful petals or green leaves, it turned out to be pretty cool or even annoying ,especially when i stepped too close ,its spines pointed at the end made me sore. It was hard for me to show my affection to it. When i grew up and started my student life, what i learned from the textbooks about this unusual and distinctive plant made me feel that i was such a fool.


  Living in the driest desert, the cactus shows many adaptations to conserve water to thrive. Therefore, it is deemed as an important source of food, water and even shelter for people and species that live there. What’s even more fascinating, it is the one of classic Feng Shui cures in China for shifting the energy and attracting wealth as it keeps and sparingly consumes absorbed moisture and Shui, can be used to Feng Shui home for wealth. Nowadays, the cactus is more commonly welcomed in the office as it is reported that it is capable of absorbing the harmful radiation from computers.



  Although I have no idea where the theory comes from, I do get a pot of cactus on my table. For me, it is more than an ornamental plant or a talisman, but actually like a motto that I live by. When I encounter any frustrations and difficulties, or even failure, the tiny cactus reminds me of the importance of perseverance and strong will.