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考官问道:what kind of qualities a good leader should have?


观点1:A good leader should be passionate,

理由1:Because his passion will help him do well.

例子1: 例子1:In business, a passionate boss can do his business better when he likes it.

观点2: 观点2:A good leader also should be like a model.

理由2: 理由2:Because followers will all learn from their leader.

例子2: 例子2:In Business, successful leadership is mainlyabout whether his employees work as hard as their boss does.



观点1(旧):A good leader should be passionate.

观点1(新):successful leaders would probably be quite passionate and enthusiastic about what they do.


理由1(旧):Because his passion will help him do well.

理由1(新):Success comes easily when someone is obsessed with his career. He will be more relentless in the pursuit of his goals if he’s keen on his business. He will achieve his peak performance only when he’s doing the thing which interests him or something he cares about.


例子1(旧):In business, a passionate boss can do his business better when he likes it.

例子1(新):Entrepreneurs who succeed do not mind the fact that they are putting in 15 or 18 hours a day to their business because they absolutely love what they do.Success in business is all about patienceand hard work, which can only be attained if someone is passionate and crazy with his tasks and activities. So, most of the time, the more passionate a man is, the more successful he can be.


观点 观点2(旧):A good leader also should be reliable.

观点2(新): True leaders should have trustworthiness built on good relationship with his followers.

理由2(旧):because no one will work for the person who can not be trusted.

理由2(新):the way they deal with people will lay the foundation for the strength of their groups. The stronger the relationship is, the stronger the subordinates’ trust and confidence is in their capabilities.


例子2(旧):In Business, successful leadership is mainly about whether his employees believein their boss or not.

例子2(新):Studies have shown that one fundamental basis of business leadership is the trust and confidence that employees have on their manager. Only when they have faith in their leader will they go through hell and high water for him and for the organization.