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详解雅思口语的八大HOT Topic



  Media – Magazine, Newspaper, Radio, Television and Advertisement are all parts of Media. In the IELTS speaking test, there are a variety of questions comparing these different media types because it is considered to be the most powerful source of information that can straightly affect and influence people. Media is widely spread all over different places and countries. Most of the time it can change people’s way of life and way of thinking ,so examiners would like to know how you think and feel about it. Here are some examples of questions related to media in the IELTS speaking test.

  1. Do you think that we should have censorship in TV programs?

  Yes, I think that we should definitely have censorship in TV programs. I speak not only for the children but for the adults as well. What we see on TV do affect our subconscious level more than we are actually aware of. X rated films and violent programs are major factors why crime and violence are very rampant in the world we are living in.

  2. Why some people are willing to spend a lot of money in purchasing magazines?

  Magazines can be source of leisure yet can be informative as well that is why some people do not hesitate to splurge their money on these things. Through magazines, we can read about the life of some of our favorite celebrities. We get to also learn about practical tips about budgeting, fashion, improving our homes, etc. It is a source of entertainment where learning is fun and not forced.

  3. What kind of influence can advertisement give to people?

  Advertisement either compels people to buy or refrain them from buying certain things or from doing certain actions without their conscious awareness. It is a very powerful tool to influence the mindset of people both young and old. All types of advertisement seem to have this kind of impact whether they are found on the billboards on the trains, buses and roads, whether they are found in the magazines or newspapers, and whether they are seen on TV. Advertisement has great power to boost or break a particular brand.

  HOT TOPIC THREE Science and Technology

  Science and technology – This is one of those things that is changing rapidly in the society. Computers, MP 4, appliances are all part of the development of Science and technology. Any kind of change about these things usually has a very strong impact on us, some positive and some negative. Questions about pros and cons about this topic are often asked by the examiners during the exam. And anything about science and technology can become a question in IELTS speaking test. Here are some example questions candidates should know.

  HOT TOPIC FOUR Flat and House

  Flat and House – The most “in” topic in the last quarter of the year 2009. It is actually also one of the hottest topics last year, the year 2008. The difference between house and flat are the most in demand question about this topic. To be able to answer the questions well, candidates should at least know the difference between the two and have opinions about each one of them. What kind of decorations, and things that can be found inside a house or apartment should also be known by the candidates who are preparing to take the test?