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  Describe a city that you like best ①

  Where it is ②

  What are the general features ③

  What you can do there ④

  Explain why it is your favorite city ⑤



  Describe a city that you like:描述一个你喜欢的城市:


  Hangzhou is one of the most impressive cities where I have even been


  because I was deeply impressed by the transport, the picturesque scenery spot, and the food specialtythere。


  To be more precise, I’m gonna talk about the intercity express train, the west lake and the soysauced Dongpo Pork。

  ② Where it is, 他在哪里


  I particularly like its situation. Hangzhou is located on the southern part of china, on the Yangtze river delta。


  You know, from shanghai to Hangzhou, it is really convenient to go by CRH (china railway highspeed), namely, the inter-city express。

  例子: 例子:上周我刚去过杭州,我花了54元,两个小时就到了杭州,而且和谐号是非常舒适和惬意的,平稳的滑行,咆哮行驶在时速198公里/小时,跟英吉利海峡峡面的欧洲之星特快列车是差不多的。

  Actually, I just went there last week, I paid 54 kaui, it took me 2 hours on the train, by the way, the CRH was really comfy and cozy, smooth and stable, roaring down the rail at 198 kilometers per hour,quite similar to the EuroStar express train under the English Channel。

  ③What are the general features 什么是主要的总体特色?


  it is the west lake that greatly contributes to my fondness for the city。


  The Lakeside naturally serves as a place for people to have a bit of walk,enjoying the fresh air at the same time。

  例子: 例子:由于西湖在杭州的市中心,周围有诸多的高楼大厦,所以几乎每一个来杭州的人都会来感受自然和城市和谐结合得这样一个美景。

  Since the west lake is in the downtown area of Hangzhou, right among the concrete jungle of the city, nearly everyone who visits Hangzhou likes to come and enjoy the harmonious integration between the Nature of the lake and the modernization of buildings nearby。