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  雅思口语共分为3个部分,分别是一般话题问答、话题描述和双向深入讨论。不少学生认为,只要前两部分表现良好,就能拿高分,Part3可有可无,在准备雅思口语时,Part3也不在重点练习范围之内。考试时,到最后一部分时往往开始放松,答题随意,甚至对Part3的问题敷衍了事。事实证明,Part3是对Part2的一个升华,主要考察学生的论证能力和临场反应能力,同时也测试学生在深入探讨主题时,能否保证英语各方面,特别是发音和语法不出现太大的失误。通过研究Part1的最新问题,我们也不难发现,很多Part1问题的难度已近接近Part3了。因此,研究雅思口语Part3的答题技巧及方法,不仅可以帮助我们练好Part1, 更能帮助我们取得雅思口语高分。



  ? 关键问题

  Which one do you prefer, eating in a restaurant or at home?

  Do you prefer to travelling alone or with a lot of people?

  Which do you prefer, western wedding style or Chinese traditional one?

  ? 关键句型

  To be honest, I prefer A to B for the reason that…

  In my mind, I think…is better, because…

  To tell you the truth, although B is…, A is still better than B, because…


  ? 关键问题

  What are the benefits of swimming?

  ? 关键句型

  The first benefit comes to my mind is…

  People say…, but for me, …

  There are several benefits to name. Firstly,… Secondly,…Thirdly,…


  ? 关键问题

  What kind of food do you like best?

  ? 关键句型

  My favorite… is…

  I’ll say the one which earns my interest is…

  My answer would be…