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  ◆ What is your favorite season?

  ◆ What is special about this season?

  ◆ What do people usually do in this season?

  ◆ Why do you like this season?


  ◆ What is the worst weather you have experienced?

  ◆ When did you experience it?

  ◆ What did you see?

  ◆ How did you feel under the worst condition?


  Describe a Season

  Describe your favorite season.

  You should say:

  What your favorite season is.

  What is special about it.

  What people usually do in this season.

  And explain why you like this season.

  Describe a Season

  Describe your favorite season.

  You should say:

  What your favorite season is.

  What is special about it.

  What people usually do in this season.

  And explain why you like this season.

  {原创范例} My favorite season is summer. I can’t wait till it starts. Yes, itsometimes gets very hot and sultry. But I don’t care. At least I don’t have tofight with bulky overcoats or down coats.


  {原创范例}Summer means life, blue skies, gentle breeze, white beaches, andgreen trees. I love the warmth, the plenty of sunshine it brings and the waypeople look in tan. In summer, girls wear cute skirts and lovely sunbonnets. Allthe beautiful colors go around in this season. And you can feel the longing togo outdoors and experience an adventure.


  {原创范例}It is the ice cream season and it is the season of a variety offruit, such as peaches, strawberries and watermelons. I love those after goingswimming or hiking.

  这段讨论的是比较传统的相关季节卡片的内容。描述了水果和冰激凌。当说到这个季节盛产的东西的时候我们也可以学习上段所用到的词组the seasonof来引出。

  {原创范例} plus, it is also a time of great relaxation. You’ll always marvel athow much fun and entertainment can be squeezed into summer. There are summervacations, swimming, surfing, picnics, fishing and boating. There is alwayssomething going on and there are always people enjoying nature. I lovesummertime because it is linked to most of my best memories and it never failsto trigger my passion in life.
