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  Can you ride a bike?


  Sure. I learnt bicycling when I was only 7 years old before enteringtheprimary school. My coach was nobody but my father who was proved to beabrilliant trainer. As far as I remembered, at the very beginning, I fellfromthe bike for numerous times and made the left knee hurt. However, myfatherencouraged me to overcome obstacles/difficulties. Soon I found I couldhandlethe bike smoothly and effortlessly.


  Sure. I learnt bicycling when I was only 7years old before entering theprimary school. My coach was nobody but my fatherwho was proved to be abrilliant trainer. Now I ride the bike for schoolcommuting. Bicycling as anexercise is less demanding in space and time butextremely helpful in increasingmuscle strength and flexibility. While as atransportation, it’s economical andeco-friendly.

  The benefits of bike riding

  Bike riding can offer lots of benefits forbody health

  It can increase the …..

  cardiovascular fitness