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雅思口语话题——An Organizsation


  Describe an organization (such as a company, a factory, a governmentorganization or a student organization at school).

  You should say:

  where this organization is

  how you know about this organization

  what this organization does

  and explain how you feel about it.


  I joined the Youth Volunteer Association (YVA) of my university when I wasa junior. I have benefited a lot from that experience.

  There are many student organizations in my university. At the beginning ofevery new semester, there is a big day for all those clubs and associations torecruit. I joined the YVA because I wanted to help others. To my understanding,just like what I said at the recruitment interview, being a volunteer means totake out my personal time to do something for others.

  My first volunteering experience was to give English lessons to residentsfrom a neighourhood. Due to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, more people arewilling to learn some basic English. I major in English, so I think maybe Icould help these people with my expertise. We did it every weekend and keptdoing it for almost three months. I not only gave lessons to people, moreimportantly, I communicated with them. Many of them are older than me. They comefrom all walks of life. They brought to class different life stories. Iexchanged my school experiences with their social experiences. Sharing with themhas added to my insight into the world I am living in, which was a good thingfor someone like me who did not have much access to the real world outsideschool campus.

  My association offers the young good chance to be helpful, to get to knowmore people, to learn something that's not written on the text book.

  Part 3

  Working in an Organization

  What would you prefer to work in, a big organization or a small one?

  If I were a graduate freshly out of school, I would prefer to work in a bigorganization. Big organizations have advantages that small organizations don't.As a new graduate, I cherish very much the future development opportunity thatbig organizations could offer. If I worked for many years, I would prefer towork in small organizations. They are less strict with the employees. They giveme more space to turn my ideas into reality.

  What are the benefits of working in a small organization?

  It's more flexible in terms of rules and limitations. People can createtheir own organization culture. With fewer people working for it, every one isimportant, every one's voice can be heard. Besides, it's easier for a smallgroup of people to reach on an agreement on some issues. It cuts down the timeorganizations spend on decision making, which is a very good thing in today'stime-racing world.

  What are the benefits of working for a big organization?

  Working for a big organization makes me feel proud. I feel safer-I meanthey cannot fire me any time they want to without giving a sound reason, unlessI do something terribly wrong and cause great loss. It's true that bigorganizations have countless rules and regulations. They seem quite a burdensome time. But if I work hard and successfully finish every piece of task givenby my boss, I will be approved and get what I deserve. Rules and regulations notonly punish people, but also push us to work harder.


  What kind of work do people do in your hometown?

  People do all kinds of work in my hometown. Teachers, businessmen, companyemployees, factory workers, doctor...the list is endless, as the economydevelops all the time and every day there is new job opportunity. Economydevelopment has cultivated many new jobs, such as hourly-paid workers, babysitters for babies and for the old, private finance adviser etc.

  What service industries are there in your hometown?

  Our city is a famous tourist destination. We benefit a lot from tourism.With the development of tourism, hotel and restaurant business grows rapidly.Entertainment has also become an industry in recent few years. Traditional artforms have been replaced by modern art shows. Public transportation is anothermajor service industry. The local government encourages its citizens to takepublic transport rather than driving private cars to work and school.

  What is the government doing to protect the environment (from industrialpollution produced by these factories)?

  The local government works a lot on developing public transportation. Theyproduce more comfortable buses. They cut down bus ticket price in order toattract more commuters. This policy has greatly decreased the number of privatecars running on the road. Therefore, air pollution is kept under control. At thesame time, the government has made and carried out new policies to stop peoplespitting on the street or smoking in public places. I am totally for thesepolicies.