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  【Question 2】:

  What special things do people do during festivals?

  注意:问题的关键是special,所以不能仅仅把人们常做的一些事情如“meet their friends”以及“talk with membersof family”视为节日期间的特殊活动。


  What’s the meaning behind these special things and how do people feel aboutthem?

  【素材库】: special things people do during festivals and its meanings:

  Spring Festival(春节)

  -- 除夕夜盛宴

  having a big meal on New Year's Eve

  -- 放炮竹

  setting off firecrackers

  -- 穿上最好的服装

  putting on one's best outfits

  -- 堆雪人

  making snowmen

  -- 从长辈那里得到红包

  receiving a red envelope with lucky money in it from elders

  -- 做饺子和吃饺子

  making and eating dumplings

  -- 看春晚

  watching the Spring Festival Gala on CCTV

  Mid-Autumn Festival(中秋节)

  -- 一边赏明亮的满月一边吃月饼

  eating moon cakes and pears while appreciating the bright full moon

  -- 围坐一圈,听“嫦娥奔月”的动人传奇

  sitting around for the fascinating legend about ‘Change' Fly to theMoon

  Dragon Boat Festival(端午节)

  -- 纪念屈原(中国古代著名的学者)

  showing respect to Qu Yuan, the famous Chinese ancient scholar


  holding the Dragon Boats racing competition, demonstrating cooperation andteamwork

  -- 做粽子,吃粽子

  making and eating of a kind of dumpling called Zongzi

  Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)

  -- 尊敬和照顾老人

  showing care and respect for the elderly


  getting together and climbing a high mountain and recite poems andarticles

  Pure Brightness Festival (清明节)(又叫做 Tomb Sweeping Festival)


  Sweeping graves

  -- 送鲜花

  presenting/placing fresh flowers

  -- 准备肉、蔬菜、米酒,经常是预备一份完整的饭,放在墓前

  offering meats, vegetables, rice wine, and often arranging a completedinner to place in front of the tombs

  -- 烧纸钱和其他代表财富的物品给死者

  offering paper money and other symbols of wealth to the dead

  -- 鞠躬表达敬意

  bowing to express their respect and their regards