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  1. What do you think of TV and newspapers?

  2. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and hasto be solved? If so, why?

  3. Do you think education should be more practical?

  4. What do you think of the future of China if China keeps to the openpolicy?

  5. What do you regard as the most significant events in your country'srecent history?

  6. In what way do you think university training is helpful or fallsshort?

  7. What role does religion play in everyday life in your country?

  8. You just told me about a time in history you'd like to see. What do youthink is the most important event in China's recent history?

  9. How aware do you think people are nowadays of environmental issues?

  10. What role does tourism play in your country's economy?

  11. How serious is unemployment in your country?

  12. In your opinion, what are the most serious problems associated withmodern life?

  13. What do you think have been the most important changes in your fieldover the past 5 years?

  14. Some local students feel that overseas students are treated better.What do you think?

  15. You just talked about a frightening car accident you had. What do youthink are the main causes of road accidents?