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适当使用高级语法 让雅思口语更高分



  高级语法使用(Higher Level Grammar)



  If we were aware of what the weather would be like, say, next year, wecould make sure that the farmers planted appropriate grain varieties to producethe best yield from the available rainfall.【7-3-3】

  But if you could search out some silver paper to bring along to use in thesessions, you know, it’s shiny – it looks like water, that’d begreat.【6-2-1】

  Secondly, there is something very powerful in our need to pampered andlooked after, it’s almost as If we return to being a baby, when everything wasdone for us and we felt safe and secure.【7-3-4】

  I’d say your first two sections are spot on. I wouldn’t suggest that youchange anything there, but in section three you really do need to have questionson teaching experience.【6-2-3】



  If 引导的非真实条件状语从句

  表示建议,要求,命令,想法(如 suggest,advise,insist)的动词后的从句

  含有as if / as though 的从句



  Part 1:

  What would you recommend a tourist see in your hometown?

  If you could redesign your home,what would you do?

  If you could go back in time, what would you do differently?

  Part 2:

  Describe a party you would like to arrange for your friends or family.

  You should say:

  who you would invite to the party

  when and where you would hold the party

  what you (or, your guests) would do at the party

  and explain why you would hold this party.

  Part 3:

  Do you think it would be a good idea to have a festival that is trulyinternational, that is celebrated by everyone all over the world?

  If you were to decide upon (or, set) an international celebration, whatwould it be?