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  A person who has influenced you

  Please describe a person who has greatly influenced you

  You should say:

  Who the person is (was)

  How you came into contact with this person

  How he/she has influenced you and why

  And you have you say whether this person has influenced others

  To talk about a person who has influenced me the most, I think there isnone other but my father. Working as a government official, he doesn’t appear tobe extraordinary in any way, but just working faithfully and peacefully raisinghis family, never putting his family or children aside. Yet however regular hemay look, he is never ordinary to me, because I’ve learned many of the mostbasic and important life lessons from him: family, responsibility,accountability, faithfulness, vision and fulfilling goals, etc.—he is the firstand best teacher in my life. As to influence, people all influence one anotherin one way or another during their contact. But as to whether my father hasinfluenced other people as much as he does to me, I am not sure. Nevertheless Ialways hear people in the neighborhood talking about him as a model husband andfamily head. He must have touched some lives.


  How do you like people to view you?

  I’d like people to view me as a determined and strong leader. I need thesequalities to be affirmed by people that they can look up to me forleadership.

  Do you think that people are often influenced by material things (eg.money, car)?

  As I am purposefully trying to avoid the danger of generalization, I canonly tell you that there are definitely some people who are very easilyinfluenced by materials things, while it is also certain that there are peoplewho are not so easily influenced by material things; they often tend to havestrong personal values.

  Do people’s characters change as they get older?

  People’s characters depend on many things, including their experiences,relationships, health and financial situations. As these things change overtime, so we also see people’s character’s change.