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雅思口语题目详解--Someone Dresses Well


  最近有备考雅思的同学问 Someone Dresses Well这个题目该怎么说?

  You should say:

  Who the person is

  What kinds of clothes this person like to wear

  How you know about this person

  Explain why you think this person dresses well




  fashionable/ dress well,只能想到衣着,但其实还包括关于时尚的态度、理念


  可以尝试按照不同场合进行举例,formal/ casual,或者是社交网络看来的例子,也是超级百搭




  1.fashion, latest trend, style, popularity, mania

  fashionable, stylish, chic, edgy, unique

  beautiful/ handsome, gorgeous, attractive, glamorous; eye-catching,stunning

  clothing、dressing style, outfits, accessories, make-up

  2.时尚达人:fashion icon; 名牌:designer’s brand/ luxury.


  Recently, my favorite super model Liu Wen participated in a Chinese realityshow called “We Got Married”. And this time, this legendary fashion icon finallycaught the eyes of mass media in China with both of her likable personality andher incredibly fashionable clothing style.

  Liu Wen is currently the highest-ranked model of Asian decent in historywho is now still one of the Top 3 supermodels in the world.

  I remember it was like in 2010, I was watching that year’s V-show online asusual. A tall, beautiful Asian girl walked onto the catwalk out of the blue.She’s smiling, confident and healthy. Since that year, I remembered her name,Liu Wen, the first Chinese model to walk the Victoria secrete fashion showever.

  From my perspective, she is no doubt a natural in fashion industry. Nomatter showing on a formal red carpet ceremony, or just in a street snap shot,Liu Wen is always glamorous, stunning and stylish. Standing in front of thecamera, she is always wearing those latest, fancy outfits from those designer’sbrands, but according to herself, what she actually prefers to wear in dailylife is far from that. Her selfies & private pictures posted on social mediahappen to prove this. From those photos, we could often see a charming slenderbeauty in a casual but chic vintage dress or sometimes even wearing man-stylesuit along with a pair of high-heels. So edgy! Plus, you’ll never fail to findthose latest trendy elements on her every-day outfits. For young girls like me,she’s like a real walking fashion magazine.

  To my knowledge, unlike most stars who’s got their own professionalstylists to help them, Liu Wen chose all those amazing outfits on her own, andsome of those shirts are even designed by herself. I remember in a interviewabout her, she described her own style as a tomboyish, vintage and comfortableone. Recently, she’s considering about being a stylist and sharing her ownfashion style with all the females worldwide, which I am really looking forwardto.