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雅思口语话题详解: a childhood toy


  雅思口语考试中,童年玩具一直都是让大家很纠结的题, 总是不知道选哪种玩具,又该具体说些什么,下面雅思小编和大家一起来看看题目

  Describe a special toy you had in your childhood.

  you should say:

  what it was

  who give it to you

  how often you played it

  and explain why it was special to you



  水枪water gun

  玩具小汽车toy car

  哈雷自行车Chopper bike


  维尼熊winnie bear


  跳绳skipping rope等等

  但为了体现智商和创造力,我们可以选择积木,building blocks






  1.special: meaningful, unique, indispensable (means a lot)

  2.玩具词汇: stuffed dolls, models, building blocks, jigsaw puzzle

  As a girl growing up in a working-class family, I did not have as many toysas other girls back to my childhood, but now I still maintain a set ofbuilding-block, for it is my favorite that is so special to me.

  I think I got it in the year I went to primary school. At that time, all myfamilies felt so happy for me, especially my grandpa who always regarded me asthe apple in his eyes. To congratulate me, he bought me a set of building blockwhich was made up of like 100 pieces which were in different colors, sizes andshapes.

  Can you picture how excited I was when I got it? I was so ecstatic about mynew toy and treasured it as much as I could, played it almost every day,sometimes alone, sometimes with the company of my home girls. I could stillremember how I used the blocks to construct houses, buildings, castles and stufflike that. With just a blink, I’ve already become an adult, a lady, and myfavorite building block has already been put aside into the closet. How timeflies!

  But it is still very special and meaningful to me, for it’s given by mygrandpa who passed away like 10 years ago. When I was young and grandpa wasstill alive, he always played it with me together and it was a lot of fun. Nowwhen I see my favorite toy blocks, it could always remind me about my belovedgrandpa and those beautiful memories we shared together.

  Also, back to my childhood, both of my parents were fully occupied withwork to fight for supporting our family, so most of time, I had to stayed homealone and wait for them to come back. To get rid of loneliness, I usually choseto play with my toy block. In other word, it’s like my best and most specialcompanion in my childhood.

  Last but not least, now when I look back, it was also very special, helpful& meaningful in the development of my intelligence. I once heard from thelecture that toy blocks were very beneficial in improving eye-hand coordinationfor kids. Meanwhile, by playing it, children could also take the best use oftheir creativity & imagination.

  Reasons above all make building blocks my most special toy in life.