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雅思口语话题详解: a movie you would like to watch again



  Describe a movie you would like to watch again:

  You should say:

  What it was about

  When and where you watched it

  Who you watched it with

  and explain why you would like to watch it again


  如果要小编来回答,的确会选择这部14年上映的大片:星际穿越 Interstellar,因为实在太有的说了!







  2.时态变化:观影经历:一般过去时;剧情: 一般现在时



  1. 电影词汇

  类型:comedy, tragedy, science fiction, fantasy, thriller, suspension,animation

  演职人员阵容: cast (leading/supporting/voice, character, director)

  其他: visual & sound effect, plot, background, finale

  2. 感受词

  shocked, amazed, touched, moved, amused, entertained, impressed


  As my favorite epic science fiction film, Interstellar is definitely theone that I would like to watch again.

  And it was last year, like in October, everybody around me was talkingabout Interstellar which was no doubt the box-office smash and the hottest topicat the moment. After hearing so much about it, I decided to go to the cinema toappreciate it with the company of my boyfriend who happened to be a majorscientific enthusiast, and to my knowledge he had looked forward to it for along time.

  The film is truly amazing both on plot and special effect. The whole storyfeatures a crew of astronauts and scientists who travel through a wormhole insearch of a new home for humanity. During this risky trip, we witness both thebeauty and cruelty of the universe, the bright & dark side of human beings.But it’s actually love that really touches every audience.

  I have to confess that I am really not a fan of science fictions, butInterstellar definitely changes my mind. It takes use of a artistic andaccessible way to help audience like me to get beneath the skin of certainscientific concept, but at the same time, we could still get its overridingmessage about the powerful forces of the one thing we all know but can’t measurein scientific terms. LOVE. For a masterpiece like that, who do not wanna watch& get amazed again.

  And I’d like to appreciate this scientific saga again also because, in thefilm, there are still certain cliffhangers and plots that really confused me,especially the finale. Now I’m still not sure whether those scientists andastronauts find the livable planet for human-beings or they just re-built a homefor humans on a space station, and why Cooper is still alive after gettingabsorbed by the black whole? With all my questions and uncertainness, I do wouldto find out the answer by watching it again.