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  雅思口语轮换题目1、Describe a wedding you have attended.

  You should say:When you attended wedding

  Who you went with

  What kind of the wedding it was

  And explain the feeling after you attended the wedding.

  2、Describea program or app in your computer or phone

  You should say:What this app /program is

  How to use it

  Why you use this app

  And Explain the how the app influences your life.

  3、Describe a situation when you get angry

  You should say:When it happened

  Who you were with

  How you dealt with this incident

  And explain why you felt angry about this.

  4、Describe a leader who you admire

  You should say:Who this person is

  How he or she became a leader

  What this person did (hasdone) that you admire

  And explain how this leader'squalities impressed you.

  5、Describe an interesting place .

  You should say :Where it is

  How often you go there

  What you do there

  And explain why you think it’s aninteresting place.

  6、Describe a large company you want to work in

  You should say:What this company is

  How did you know this company

  What is good about this company

  Explain why you want to work in this company