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雅思口语:When do you study more efficient


  在雅思口语中有一道题目是着重问同学们效率,有人是白天早睡早起的好宝宝,有人却是夜间作业效率极高的小夜猫(比如我)。今天推送的口语内容就是在part 1 中有关efficiency (效率)相关话题的高频问题。


  1. When do you study more efficient, in the morning or in the evening?2. What is the time you do your work the most efficient?

  Sample Answer

  1、When do you study more efficient, in the morning or in the evening?

  Sample answer:Well, I have to say I tried both before, and finally it comes out that I study more productively in the evening. Actually, I don’t know why, maybe it is because I am always sleepy in the morning, especially in the early morning. You know, people who has a sleepy head can not do anything efficiently. Now I am used to learn or work in the evening, and my mom always called me “the night owl”.

  Vocabularynight owl [na?t] [a?l] n. 夜猫子productively [pr?'d?kt?v] adv. 高产的sleepy ['sli?p?] adj. 昏昏欲睡的

  2、 What is the time you do your work the most efficient?

  Sample answer:

  I think it all depends, so it is quite hard to give you a specific time. To me, there are many factors which may affect my mood, such as the climate, the environment and even the workload. As long as the most of factors are guaranteed, I can totally get focused on one thing.

  Vocabularyworkload ['w??kl??d] n. 工作量As long as…只要 (还有和…一样长的意思哦)guaranteed ['g?r?n'ti:d] v/adj 担保,担保的get focused on… 关注于…