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  关于reading,不论是在p1p2p3哪一个part,它都是经常会出现的问题。然而“Reading helps to relax”,“My favorite book is…” ,这些梗是不是都已经滚瓜烂熟了?今天我们要谈的是—阅读的“变化”。开始之前,你可以自己先来想一想,现在人的阅读方式相较以前有了哪些变化?把你的答案记录一下来,再来看看我们的sample answer吧。

  Do you think people prefer to read books or magazines?

  Sample answer:

  Well, I can’t say this for sure, and I might be generalizing, but a lot of people probably prefer to read magazines. I’m only saying that because the society has sort of advanced into a more technological one, and I feel that people have become accustomed to brief and instantaneous information. I mean, like nowadays people use social media all the time, where information always appears in a short and extracted form. Now this does save a lot of time, but it also leads to a lack of patience of reading a long book these days. That’s why I suppose magazines are perhaps more preferable to read.

  Vocabularyadvance /?d’vɑ?ns/ 发展technological /tekn?’l?d??k(?)l/ 科技的be accustomed to /?’k?st?md/ 习惯于brief /brif/ 简短的instantaneous /,?nst(?)n’te?n??s/ 即时的social media /社交媒体/extracted /iks’tr?ktid/ 提取的