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  Describe a pet you would like to own.

  Describe a pet people often keep in their country.






  (1) What it is

  (2) How long you have raised it

  (3) How to take care of it

  (4)Explain what benefits you can get from keeping a pet

  Sample Answer

  If I ever decide to buy a pet, I would buy a hamster. A hamster is a kind of mouse, and it’s smaller than a rat. It doesn't have long tail, and its mouth is not sharp. Hamsters have a lighter colour, something like gray. The reason I choose hamsters is that they’re so adorable and mischievous. Furthermore, hamsters like to run around a wheel and can go for 15-20 minutes without stopping. To me it is fascinating to watch them do that.

  They are actually very easy to take care of. I would just need to put the hamster in a cage, have some pet toys in there, and that would be enough. Food for hamsters is very simple: they like to eat carrot, fruits, and nuts. Of course, we shouldn't forget water. It's very simple to keep the cage clean. Just make sure the cage is clean and water is replenished every day. I would say a hamster is a very clean animal and very entertaining just to watch. I'm sure all kids and adults would surely like a hamster.


  adorable adj. 可爱的

  mischievous adj. 淘气的

  replenish vt. 补充;把…装满