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  Part 1


  Let’s talk about the city you come from. What kind of place it is?

  What’s the most interesting part of Smithson(考生提到的他的家乡)?

  What kind of jobs do people in the town do?

  Would you say it’s a good place to live?


  Tell me about the kind of work you do.

  What do you enjoy about your word?

  What things do you find challenging at work?

  Let’s talk about workplace relationships. For the sake of your work, how important it is for you to have a good rapport with your team members?

  What methods do you use to show your team members you are an approachable person?

  Part 2

  Describe a trip you made by public transport.

  Where did you go?

  Why did you choose public transport?

  How did you feel about the trip?

  Share details about the trip.

  Part 3

  Why do you think some people would rather drive than travel by bus?

  What do you mean by flexibility?

  What do you feel a city needs to attract tourists?

  You mentioned “safety” as something that can attract tourism. Can you expand on that?

  Are all aspects of the tourism industry positive?

  What do you think about this, that people are willing to tarnish the image of historical locations in their city is an effort to profit from foreign visitors?

  Can you tell me about something you purchased while travelling that holds special meaning to you?

  Why do you think people buy souvenirs?