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  Describe a song or melody that you remember from your childhood.

  You should say:

  where you heard this song or melody

  how old you were when you first heard it

  what the song was about

  and explain how you felt when you heard this song.

  My mother used to sing me lullabies. One of the songs she sang was "Scarlet Ribbons". I remember being about 4 or 5 and really identifying with the little girl who wanted the ribbons and fascinated with the "magical answer" to the mother's prayer.

  It's a folk tune that Harry Belafonte sang ...I suppose you could also identify it as religious or Christmas music, although Christmas isn't mentioned. I also have a newer version of Michael Crawford singing it, but no version comes anywhere close to how my mom sang it for me.

  Now that I'm a mom myself, I identify with the mother in the song, wanting so badly to give her child a simple thing she wants, and I still believe prayers are answered, although many times God answers them through the actions of other people who are instruments in his hands.