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  X professor: If I can get to her, stop the assassination, keep her out of their hands and then we can stop the Sentinels from ever being born.

  Magneto: And end this war before it ever begins.

  在这段对话中,X教授意识到应将魔形女拯救于武器研究员Dr. Bolivar Trask研究的The Sentinel Program (哨兵计划)中。


  1. 作介词

  1) 指时间.在……以前e.g. It began to rain before midnight.

  2) 指位置.在……面前e.g. They knelt before the king.

  3) 指顺序或排列在前面e.g. Your name comes before mine on the list

  2. 作连词

  1) 在……之前e.g. Did she leave a message before she went?

  2) 用于It + be+时间段+ before在……之后才……e.g. It will be five years before I come back.

  3) 常于情态动词与can / could 连用,表示还没来得及……就……e.g. Before I could say a word, she had rushed out of the room.


  X professor: You’ll need to go to my house and find me. Convince me of all of this.

  Logan: Wouldn’t you just be able to read my mind?

  X professor: I didn’t have my power in 1973. Logan, you’re have to do for me what I once did for you. Lead me. Guide me. I was a very different man then. You have to be patient with me.

  Logan: Patience isn't my strongest skill.

  Magneto: You need me as well.

  Logan: What?

  Magneto: After Mystique left Charles, she came with me, and I set her in a dangerous path., a darker path.. It’s going to take the two of us, side by side at a time when we couldn’t be further apart.


  1. 注意convince的用法: vt. 说服;使确信,使信服

  That weekend in Plattsburgh, he convinced her to go ahead and marry Bud.


  2. I was a very different man then. 我与现在大相径庭。

  这句口语非常地道,同学们不要再使用I was totally different than before. 换成文中这种方式,更加native。

  3. patient with…. 对…有耐心

  Patience isn't my strongest skill. 耐心是我最不擅长的。擅长的你还在用be good at???拜托,太low了好吗!换成……is not my strongest skill会使考官对你另眼相看。

  4. Set sb. in……. 将某人放置于……

  I set her in a dangerous path. 我指引她走入了一条危险的不归路。