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  Describe an occasion when you lost your way.

  You should say:

  Where you were

  What happened

  How you felt about it

  And explain how you found your way

  I’ve lost my way many times actually – I have a terrible sense of direction! But the one time that I remember when I got really stressed and worried was when I was with a friend in London. We had gone on a holiday together and we didn’t go out with our mobile phones so we couldn’t use GPS maps to help us. We went to see the Tower of London, which was a long walk from where we were staying, and on the way back we got completely lost, and then it started to rain. We managed to get a paper map from a friendly hotel receptionist, but the map was confusing and we got even more lost, especially as the map started to get soaking wet with all the rain. The English weather is really uNPRedictable. Eventually we gave up and hailed a taxi – taxis are really expensive in London as well, but anyway, eventually we got back to our hostel, showered and dried off. The thing I got nervous about was that London is quite big and we ended up getting lost in some areas that seemed a bit run-down and perhaps not very safe. You have to be very careful in big cities that you don’t know, because you don’t know which areas are safe or not to go wandering around in, especially when the sun sets and it gets dark. I felt a bit scared at times. Also when you get lost in a foreign country you feel more nervous because you don’t feel in control, you’re not on familiar territory, so getting lost can be a very unnerving experience. I was so relieved when we eventually got back to the hostel though. Next time I’m in a foreign country I will certainly make sure I have the international service on my phone open, and take my phone so I can use GPS maps!!

  Part 3

  1. Why do some people get lost more easily than others?

  Some people, like my brother, as one example, have a great sense of direction – it’s as if they are born with it! Other people just can’t find their way around even familiar places without easily getting lost. I don’t really know why. I think it might be related to their notions of spatial awareness or how they find landmarks and compass directions in big cities or not. Others have a better awareness of how maps work, and can use online tools on their phones really well. Older people may have trouble with this modern technology.

  2. Do you think it is important to do some preparation before you travel to new places?

  Yes, I think before going to a new place it’s important to find out about the language, the culture and the general layout of a new city. Just so you have a basic idea of what lies ahead of you, what to expect and also what areas of the city are safe, as well as what behavior is appropriate or inappropriate in another country.

  3. How can people find their way when they are lost?

  The best way to find your way when lost if either use a mobile phone app or ask locals along the way to help you. In most places locals are pretty helpful if they see a stranger or a visitor who is lost, so I think it’s always a good idea to ask people for directions. Some people get nervous about asking others for directions. I’m not sure why. But it’s always a good idea to try to prepare in advance so that you know where you’re going and know how to get back to your hotel, or home. This way you can avoid getting lost as much as possible.