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  Q: What’s the best thing about Nashville?

  A: The community spirit, so, the people.

  这里的community指的是the feeling of sharing things and belonging to a group in the place where you live,所以之后被问到家乡的话题,如果你想说“我们那里人特好”,就把Nicole的答案搬下来吧!

  问答No. 2:

  Q: What’s your favorite band of all time?

  A: Well, it’s a tie. ACDC and INXS.

  口语Part 1里问favorite的问题可不少哦!谁说favorite就非得只能是一个呢!如果A和B的地位不相上下打成平手,就优雅的说出“Well, it’s a tie.”吧!

  问答No. 3:

  Q: Can you do an impression of someone?

  A: Sure!

  An impression of somebody指的是an amusing copy of the way a person acts or speaks,在谈到人物类话题的时候,没准可以用到哦!例如聊有才华或者有趣的人,就可以胡编一下:He can do an impression of any cartoon character.

  问答No. 4:

  Q: What’s the best surprise you’ve ever planned for?

  A: Well, the best surprise I ever did was I gave my husband a 1967 Mustang. I put a big red bow on it and put it in our barn. He flipped out.

  Flip out用来表达很强烈的情绪,例如very angry或者very excited, 所以以后知道用什么短语来替换它们了吧!例如:

  He completely flipped out when he saw the mess in the kitchen.

  问答No. 5:

  Q: What’s the best part about being on a tour bus?

  A: Being on top of each other?

  谁能想到on top of还可以表示“拥挤”呢…… 不过仔细想想,也非常形象了! 当人或物very close to each other都快叠起来了的时候,就叫on top of each other了!例如:

  We were all living on top of each other in that tiny apartment.

  另外在口语里,on top of还经常表示in addition to的意思,例如:

  On top of everything else, my car’s been stolen.

  He gets commission on top of his salary.

  问答No. 6:

  Q: What’s the best parting gift from an Australian to an American on a farm visit like this?

  A: Well, it would be my homemade jam from our orchard, my lavender in a sachet, and my eggs.

  Q: Oh my gosh, you are a peach. Thank you so much, Nicole.

  Parting就是“临别的”,例如a parting kiss. “临别的话”就是parting words.

  Sachet这个单词一定要注意发音哦- /s???e?/. T is silent不要发音。它表示“香囊”,用英语解释理解的更准确:A sachet is a small bag containing dried herbs or flowers that you put with your clothes to make them smell pleasant.

  如果我们想描写一位很精致的人,就可以说:Her nightdresses are always neatly folded, with a lavender sachet between each.

  这里的peach很显然不是吃的,而是指a particularly good or attractive person or thing.

  OK, that’s it! 大家还想跟哪位celebrity学口语呢?下次见喽!