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2021年1-4月雅思口语新题Part 1答案解析:Taking a break/rest


  雅思口语考试又迎来了换题季,相信你一定非常期待,有哪些新题更新进来呢?今天小编给大家整理了2021年1-4月雅思口语part1新题解析:Taking a break/rest,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语考试,一起来看看吧!

  Taking a break/rest


  本题属于旧题回库。take a break可以理解为短暂休息一下,或者也可以理解为短期休假。

  1. How often do you take a break?

  I take a break every time there is a national holiday, and I take my annual leave once a year usually, in one block, so that I can have a longer holiday. As I said before, I like to use that longer holiday to go back to see my family, as well as travel a bit and see friends in other cities down south.

  take annual leave in one block:这个短语的意思是一次性把年假都休完

  2. What do you usually do during a break?

  I usually go back to my hometown, which is in the South of China. I go back by train, stay with my family a few days, visit my friends in another city not far from my hometown and maybe travel a little bit in the south – to places I’ve not been or places that I have other friends.

  3. Do you take a nap when you are taking your rest?

  Yes, I usually take a nap after lunch. It’s quite common in China that people will take a nap after lunch, during their lunch break. I think it’s because we often have quite long working days, and quite a lot of pressure, so a lunchtime nap helps to recharge our batteries.

  recharge our batteries:充电

  4. How do you feel after you take a nap?

  I feel initially a bit sleepy, but then after I have a cup of tea I feel refreshed and revitalized after a short lunchtime nap.

  feel refreshed and revitalized:感到神清气爽有活力