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  Describe the politest person you know.

  You should say:

  Who this person is

  What your relationship with this person is

  What he or she likes to do

  And explain why you think that he or she is the politest person you know.

  The politest person I know is most certainly a friend of mine called Ian. Ian works in the other department in my company. He is kind, polite and quite formal in the way he interacts with people. He is always massively helpful to people who are in need, and he is the person that we all turn to if we have any technical issues with our computers at work, or we need help buying something online or we are not feeling good about an emotional issue. He is polite to everyone, without being fake, if you know what I mean. His politeness comes across as quite natural, rather than forced. He seems to have a sense of duty to be nice to people and helpful. I think that his family background is quite interesting: his father was an artist and his mother was a manager for some kind of consulting company that dealt with developing poorer areas of the city. So, I think these were quite sensitive and thoughtful parents to have, and so they passed on this to Ian. A lot of our behaviours are learned from our parents, in my view, so I suspect that his polite manners and helpful approach to others and their problems, came directly from his upbringing as a child. A lot of people I know are a lot less sensitive than Ian, and may be polite, yes, but not quite in the same very natural and sensitive way as he. I am not sure what he likes to do these days. The last time I spoke to him he was really into music and collecting guitars – that seems to be his main hobby at the moment, though he tends to have different hobbies each time I see him!






  His politeness comes across as quite natural, rather than forced.:形容这个人的礼貌和风度是自然表现出的,并不是虚假的,也不是惺惺作态。
