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  看英文原版动画片的好处就是,不光剧情精彩,作为绝对的authentic material, 我们还可以学更精彩的语言表达。动画片的用词都不会太复杂,而且生动有趣,特别适合小词大用的口语表达哦!

  时隔7年,《疯狂原始人2》终于回归了!The Croods - A New Age又会给我们带来哪些地道有趣的表达呢?我们一起来学习一下吧!

  1. 影片刚开始,Eep回忆跟Guy第一次见面的时候,说了这样一句话:

  In my defense, I had been living in a cave my whole life, and I didn’t really come across other people every often, let alone, a boy!

  这个come across十分好用,它的意思是to meet or find somebody / something by chance,也就是偶然碰见或找到,有时比单纯使用meet所表达的语义更准确哦!比如:

  I came across children sleeping under bridges.

  She came across some old photographs in a drawer.


  When I was walking on the beach, I came across an old bar with exotic decorations.

  The other day, I came across an old lady on my way to school.

  2. 当Eep犯花痴称赞Guy的时候,有这样一句:

  He gives me a funny feeling, like I have butterflies in my stomach.

  通常我们使用funny是想表达“搞笑、滑稽、逗乐的”,不过它还可以表示difficult to explain or understand,“说不清道不明的、很难解释的”。例如:

  A funny thing happened to me today.

  It’s funny how things never happen the way you expect them to.

  That’s funny-he was here a moment ago and now he’s gone.

  The funny thing is it never happened again after that.

  所以口语里用它来替换strange是个不错的选择哦!另外需要强调一下,funny常常被误用,虽然我们通常把它翻译成“有趣的”,但是它没有enjoyable的意思。所以如果我们想说“这派对很有趣”,不能说The party was very funny. 而是要说The party was great fun.

  3. 当全家被猛兽追,但是Eep跟Guy还在眉来眼去的时候,爸爸喊话:Get your head in the game! 最后全体来营救三位香蕉祭品,两位老爹深情对望,Guy回敬了同样的一句: Get your heads in the game!

  根据语境也能知道它的意思了!当我们想说to focus on the task at hand的时候,就可以用这句超级形象的表达。跟它类似的还有keep your eye on the ball. 它们不一定非得像听起来那样用在sports activity上面,用在任何需要pay attention的地方都可以哦!

  4. 大家睡着后,Eep和Guy偷偷见面,Guy害怕爸爸会偷听,但是Eep说爸爸:Once he’s out, he’s out. 当Hope Betterman第一次野外露宿醒来后问大家:How long was I out for? 所以根据语境,这个out就是指“睡着了、无意识了”。跟考官讲故事的时候,如果说到我睡了多久,就用I was out for …吧!

  5. 一家人摞着睡在一起,弟弟的肚子早上像闹钟一样叫起来吵醒了全家人,大家一起喊:Hit snooze!

  这里指的是snooze button, 一个每天早上大家都可能会按的button… (a button on a clock radio which you press when you wake up, so that you can sleep a little longer and be woken up again after a short time)

  当聊到morning routine的时候,是不是可以实话实说:I usually hit the snooze button several times before I get out of bed.

  6. 爸爸回忆自己当年第一次吃香蕉的时候说I ate that banana in one bite. And ever since, a day hasn’t gone by without me thinking about it. No words can describe it. 他们住在Betterman家里的第一个晚上,在各自的窗前欣赏风景的时候Eep说 (It) Sure beats the view from any cave I know. Guy说I can’t believe this place. 爸爸最后终于同意Eep和Guy在一起时候说There’s no one I’d rather my daughter spend her tomorrow with than you.

  这几句完全可以直接拿来套用,例如describe a meal或者place,就带着一脸留恋的表情说:

  I’ve only been there once, but ever since, a day hasn’t gone by without me thinking about going back there again someday. I mean, I couldn’t believe that place. No words can describe it! Nothing beats the view I saw there. There’s no other place I’d rather spend my vacation at. 然后具体夸到底哪里让你难以置信。

  7. 当Guy在Betterman家里用新型装备点火时,不禁赞叹了一句:Time-saver!

  这类“组合词”我们一定要习惯用哦!把动宾短语变成名词,是不是感觉自己的词汇量突然多了好几个?比如risk-taker(爱冒险的人), fortune-teller(算命先生), ass-kisser(拍马屁的人), home-wrecker(小三、家庭破坏者)等等。
