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  Describe a part of a city or town that you enjoy visiting.

  You should say:

  Where it is

  When was the last time you went there

  Who you like going with

  And explain why you like to go there.

  The part of the city I like visiting is the hutong area in Beijing around Gulou and that general area. The reason I like that area is because it’s very different to the rest of the city and has a distinct personality. Also, because I’ve always liked history and old things, and I am not so impressed with modern central business districts or skyscrapers or modern architecture of glass and metal. I like older things and I think they reflect the charm of the history and culture of a country. The last time I visited the hutong area in Beijing was only a week or two ago. I often go there on the weekends, and there are lots of cafes and teahouses that you can hang out in, and it’s a pleasant part of the city to walk around, especially around the Confucius Temple area and those neighbouring streets. There is also plenty of shade from the trees there, so it’s a good area to walk around in the heat of summer, dip into the little craft shops there, sit and relax in a café with a friend and chat, and even cycle if you’re in the mood for more exercise. I usually go with two close friends of mine who live fairly near to where I live. Sometimes we even go there at night because there are some interesting and quirky bars in that area and you almost always meet fun people from all over the city and the world, you can have quite fascinating conversations with. So, this is one of my favourite areas of the city that I go to fairly frequently in my free time.


  本题属于旧题回库,在2018年的口语题库中出现过这道考题。a part of a city or town,城市一隅,这个限定还是比较宽泛的,素材方面并没有给大家设置很高的障碍。相信一个城市中总有一个地方是很受你喜爱的,比如一个很有特色的咖啡馆,书店,饭点等等。


  have a distinct personality:这里的personality是形容故事中的这个鼓楼地带具有独特的魅力。

  modern architecture of glass and metal:形容到处都是用玻璃和金属构造起来的现代建筑


  dip into:本意是把…浸入…中,在这里的意思可以理解为:在工艺品店里流连忘返

  be in the mood for something:有心情做某事
