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  Describe a time when you told an important truth to your friend.

  You should say:

  When it happened

  Who this friend is

  What kind of truth you told him or her

  And explain what reactions he or she had then

  A time I remember telling a friend the truth, and finding it quite difficult, too, was when a friend in our social group had a terrible habit of letting everyone else always pay for things, and not putting his hand in his own pocket to offer to pay or even contribute. This kind of situation is usually quite awkward and embarrassing for everyone involved, as nobody wants to seem like they are moaning about money or being mean. But after so many times of this one friend doing this, my friends and I decided it was about time to be up front with him, direct, and address the issue head on. Because I had the closest relationship with this friend, and I am a fairly diplomatic communicator, everyone agreed that it should be me to break this to him, to tell him. So, one evening when we were walking together, I tentatively opened up the topic, and then told him that this habit of his was starting to put us all off and make us feel bad and uncomfortable. At first he was really defensive about it, but after a while he admitted that he sort of had a problem when it came to money and that his parents were very controlling about how much he spent when he went out. It was good that I was direct and talked to him about this, because it brought about mutual understanding and I realized that he wasn’t intentionally being mean or taking advantage of us, but he was under a sort of internal pressure from his family that caused him to act like this when he went out with us. Anyway, I felt good about the way I told him the truth – directly but diplomatically – and I felt we all learned a bit from this experience.


  本题属于旧题改编。2020年的上半年的题库中,曾出现过这样一道考题:Describe a time when you decided not to tell your friend the truth. 本次换题季,只是把原题的否定变成了肯定。

  put his hand in his own pocket:掏腰包,出钱

  moan about:抱怨

  be up front with:对某人很坦率,很坦白

  I am a fairly diplomatic communicator:这里的diplomatic和“外交”无关,意思是灵活变通的,指某人善于沟通。


  put us all off:找借口搪塞某人
