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  Describe an occasion when you waited in line for something.

  You should say:

  What you were waiting for

  How long you had to wait

  Why you had to wait there

  And explain how you felt about this experience.

  Not so long ago I waited in a really really long line outside a new milk tea store in Beijing. I know it sounds crazy to wait in a long line for a milk tea, but it was the opening day of this really famous new special tea store, and I was excited to try a couple of the different flavours. I’m a bit of a sucker for being really curious about new things like this, and I’ve always been a fan of bubble tea. So, I went with my sister and we waited for about 35 minutes in total, actually. The place was so popular they had to control the customers by putting up a special queuing line and instructing each person that they could only order one tea each, so that they did not run out, and as many people as possible had the chance to try their teas. To be honest I didn’t mind waiting in line because I’m a fairly patient person, and like I said, I was with my sister, so I had company, and we chatted a lot while we waited. Also, the weather is pretty good at the moment so it wasn’t cold standing in line. It was fairly comfortable actually. Anyway, when I got my tea, to be fair, I didn’t really think it was as fantastic as everyone made it out to be. I think that brand of milk tea is surrounded by a lot of hype, but the reality is that it’s decent, yes, but nothing amazingly special or that exciting. I think they did a lot of powerful marketing, but their core product is just alright, in my opinion anyway.


  本题为旧题回库。剑12Test5的Part2考题就是Describe an occasion when you had to wait a long time for someone or something important to arrive. 本题只是加了限定词in line,一定是排队等待的一个经历。排队等待某物的经历一般和购物有关,或者大家也可以说排队进场观看电影或者演唱会等等。


  I’m a bit of a sucker for sth. :对某事物有兴趣,酷爱…

  milk tea/bubble tea:奶茶/珍珠奶茶

  make out:努力让人相信; 力图证明(…是最好的)

  hype:促销广告(和文章最后提到的powerful marketing的意思是是一样的)