栏目广告位一 |
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
IELTS part 3 An educational visit What do you think are the benefits of taking children to visit places where they can learn something? What are some examples of places where parents cou
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
烤鸭听歌学口语:第六十七期--welcome to my life
Do you ever feel like breaking down? Do you ever feel out of place? Like somehow you just don’t belong And no one understands you Do you ever wanna runaway? Do you lock yourself in
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
为了方便大家学习,恒星英语外语站点编辑特收集整理了雅思口语TSE方法的五大原则及范文,希望能够帮助大家更好的通过雅思考试! 雅思口语TSE方法的五大原则及范文雅思口语TSE方法的五大原则及范文:人雅思口语TS
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
9月雅思口语话题最新汇总(10-12月烤鸭必看) 随着9月两场考试的结束,本赛季大部分的题目逐渐被释放出来,昨晚上王冬老师总结后也给我发了一份,现在贴出来跟大家分享,他的博客上有很多好东东。 Part 1:
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
2008年9月雅思口语新话题解析:Work of Art
恒星英语雅思站点编辑整理 Describe a sculptureor work of art that you have seen. You should say:来源:考试大 when you saw this work of art ① where you saw it ② what it looked like
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
1. Listen to yourself. 如果你听不到自己的发音问题,要纠正就很难了。试着把你将的话录下来并和英语为母语人士将的对比一下。应对雅思口语非常有效。 2. Slow down!恒星英语论坛 很多英语学习者常说语
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
窍门一:凡事尽量说好的一面 在回答问题时应表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的时候还是应该保持比较正面,尽量说好的一面。例如问你对自己家乡的印象,就算你真的认为
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
面对口语新标准考生反映良好 据介绍,最初考生对此变化还是很紧张的,但考试后,细分析了评分标准后则反映良好,由于评分标准从原来的2、4、6、8四个等级分,变化为1—9分,9个等级分,评分标准更细致。而且这
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
2008年9月雅思口语新话题解析:Favourite Season
Describe your favourite season. You should say: what season it is what the weather is like at this time what people usually do at this time (or, what you usually do) and explain wh
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
恒星英语雅思站点编辑整理 9月雅思口语话题最新汇总(10-12月烤鸭必看) 随着9月两场考试的结束,本赛季大部分的题目逐渐被释放出来,昨晚上王冬老师总结后也给我发了一份,现在贴出来跟大家分享,他的博客上
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
烤鸭听歌学口语:第六十八期--kilkelly Ireland
Kilkelly Ireland, eighteen and sixty, my dear and lovin' son John Your good friend the Schoolmaster Pat McNamara, so good as to write these words down. 1.______________________ the
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
Ingredients: 材料:来源:www.examda.com * 80-100 g Canned tuna fish ___________1._____________ * 4 pcs Romaine * 4叶生菜来源:考试大 * 80 g Cucumber * 80克黄瓜 * 1/2 pc To
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
恒星英语雅思站点编辑整理 9月最后一场的考试只有北京,还是老话,同学们只要用心用好TSE方法以及三部分的答题公式,问题是不大的,按照五篇万能的思路用TSE方法去展开。 Part one: hometown, name, occupati
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
前情介绍: 豪斯医生我行我素,不上门诊,被院长逮着谈话,被院长要求继续去门诊上班。这段便是HOUSE和院长CUDDY之间的一段对话。 原句重现: House: Excellent, we have a point of agreement. You ar
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
雅思(ielts)口语最新9 band发音部分评分表
The New 9-Band Marking Criterion for IELTS Speaking Pronunciation Band 9来源:考试大 uses a full range of pronunciation features with precisionand subtlety sustains flexible use of featur
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
前情介绍: 豪斯医生我行我素,被院长撤消了他病人在医院检查的权利,豪斯医生于是怒了,去讨个说法。结果,被院长逼迫上门诊,这段就为此二人的精彩对白! 原句重现: House: You pulled my authoriza
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
烤鸭听歌学口语:第六十九期--the saltwater room
The saltwater room I opened my eyes last night and saw you in the low light Walking down by the bay, on the shore, staring up at the planes that aren’t there anymore I was feeling the ni
雅思口语2008-10-17 -
2008年雅思口语新话题解析:An Ideal Home
Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in. You should say:来源:www.examda.com where it would be ① what type of house it would be ② how you would decorate it ③ and e
栏目广告位二 |