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   PART 1:
   Where are you living now?
   study or work now?
   where arre you study?
   which kind of major you study?
   do you like study this major? why?
   Art or museum?
   Do you think the art is important to life?
   which kind of art garllary or museum you visit recently?
   What kind of art do you like?
   Part 2
   talk about a important law in your country?
   i give you are example ( contract law, tax law, company law, business law, tort law, labour law, property law.......)
   another Part 2 what is difference between postcard and E-mail?
   part 3
   why law is so important in modern society?
   what is good quality police officer?
   how to use law to aginst crime by police officer?
   what is difference between police officer and laywer using law?
   which kind of law is your favorate?
   dictionary 有水的地方 演员或电影 equipment(except computer)
   sports a guest visit magazine favorate place interesting animal
  听音乐的地方 park
   part i about yourself
   if you are a student, major,why doyou choose the major
   play music instrument
   part 2 law
   who uses it
   part 3
   do you think need a international law
   police:do people want to be a police, why]
   do people abide by law in your country?(废话)
  儿时游戏 not sports!!!
   PART 1:
   Where are you living now?
   what is your flat like?
   study or work now?
   which kind of music you like?
   which kind of things do you usually do in evening?
   Part 2
   talk about a last book you read ?
   part 3
   what do you think the children most like to read?
   pat1 do u live in a house or a flat?
   what can u see from the window?
   part2 描述电视或报纸上的一个有趣的新闻
   part3 你认为人们更关注报纸上的当地、国内还是国际新闻
   part1 我被问到阅读的问题(喜欢看那类书,小时候花多少时间阅读,现在的小孩是否喜欢阅读);名字的意义(是否有特殊意义,为什么给你这个名字,给你名字的时候有没有特别的活动?);周末如何渡过
   part2 描述一个客人拜访你家的情形(客人是谁,为什么来你家,客人来的时候你在做什么)
   part3 一般家庭怎么招待客人,现在和过去招待客人有什么不同,你认为客厅重要么,来访的客人住朋友家和住饭店有什么区别,饭店需要提供哪些设施和服务,饭店工作人员需要有什么样的要求