1月10日雅思口语 讲座
An Interesting Lecture or Speech
Describe an interesting lecture or speech that you heard.
You should say:
when you heard it
where you heard it
what the lecture or speech was about
and explain what influence or effect this lecture or speech had on you.
Are elective courses important?
Which is more useful? courses or teachers?
What qualities should a good teacher have?
Should universities provide more internship?
Which is more important to the company when you are looking for a job? education background or working experience?
Describe an interesting lecture or speech that you heard.
You should say:
when you heard it
where you heard it
what the lecture or speech was about
and explain what influence or effect this lecture or speech had on you.
Are elective courses important?
Which is more useful? courses or teachers?
What qualities should a good teacher have?
Should universities provide more internship?
Which is more important to the company when you are looking for a job? education background or working experience?
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