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  澳洲 墨尔本
  P2. 你想要尝试的一个工作来源:和谐英语学习
  为5天后的下场雅思攒人品。上海华师大考场 大耳朵棕卷发和蔼男人 part2:介绍一个成功的小公司 part3:围绕part2谈论公司成功的要素,模式。和中国的商业变化。
  上海华师大考场,2点钟当天第一个,刚考完,为大家服务了! 华师大,棕色皮肤,发美音的考官。考官叫Peter part1. 第一个问题What types of outdoor leisure time activities are there in your country? 非常变态吧~呵呵,这就是第一个考的劣势...考官拿你做下试验,然后问,你平时喜欢画画吗?画些什么内容呢?.....每个问题后面都有一个why,恩!祝大家好运,不过考官还满和蔼的。 part2. Describe the ideal home that you would like to live in. where would it be? what type of house it would be? who would you want to live with? 呵呵,这个题目,算是新题吧?考官是拿着一个大本子,然后随便翻了一页,给我,你就讲吧,本子还很新的,估计都是新题,正反面,估计有30页。额。。这个题目没准备,我就随便说啦,一个问题一个问题去回答吧,时间是凑够了,但是停顿了2、3次吧。 part3. 1、说一下,rural area通常住些什么人呢? 2、rural area会变得怎么样,in the future? 3、城市未来会变得咋样? 4、城市会变得更大还是更小呢? 5、你觉得城市和乡村最大的区别是什么? 6、你觉得乡村比城市差在哪里呢? 就这么多吧,记得的就这么多,求安慰!~ 磕磕巴巴讲吧,都不是背的东西,讲起来,还是挺费力的,没好好准备这个题目,希望后面同学们加油!
  成都 5日 下午2:20点 room07
  p1 name hometown houswork ourdooe activities
  p2 the one you helped befoe
  what you did
  your feeling
  p3do you often help others
  how families help each other
  who do you think government should help
  在南昌考的口语 107房间 考官很nice.一直笑 p1.首先问了我家乡在哪..然后家乡的历史你了解么 你一天的时间是怎么度过的,最喜欢一天的哪个时间..有什么你想改变一天当中安排的. 你们怎么交新朋友的收集part 2 an educational tv program. quiz show a practise skill you have learner 我考的是这个.. a law gift a friend a vehicle you want to buy a outside door sports.. a teacher you want to meet again. 最后一部分就根据p2来问的..人们要学习SkILL 学术知识和生活技能哪个更重要之类的.. ` 祝大家考好..。
  BEEIC(北京教育考试指导中心) room10
  貌似考官是位disability(i am no offensive), 说话有点blurred,anyway, he is a nice old man, if you have anything unclear, he will repeat his questiones to you with much more clear tone.
  part 1和谐英语论坛
  where are you from?
  which is your favorite pulic holiday? why it important to you?
  Do you like drawing or painting?
  Part 2
  someone you once helped
  part 3
  public help on poor group
  government responsibility on public help & individual responsibility
  er^^I cannot recall one more thing. just this, wish you guys good luck.
  part2 the clothes you like ,who bought it to you
  the room you lived in childhood
  educational program
  the thing let you feel happy when you were child
  a friend you admire
  the place you have meal(?)
  a picture
  an ideal work
  interesting news
  foreign food
  skill you learnd
  a successful small company
  a family member
  campare between china and foreign special day for celeration
  a vehicle you want to buy
  a friend you helped
  a friend you admire
  something you can do to protect the environment
  an old person you admire
  items broken
  a person who loves adventure
  a family member you like
  a successful cmpany
  leisure place
  a teacher you had seen before
  a thing you good at
  a people who sproken english
  a kind of book you like
  a piece of a good advise. 大家加油!!!!!!rp大神保佑我过6.5!攒人品呀...