柏斯 口语,考的是是 describe a birthday 第一部分是问工作内容迟到不迟到得重要性 第三部分是讲传统节日和国际节日的比较3
澳大利亚 Part2 describe a birthday
厦门:part1:name,hometown,study and work,subject and major,film and tv program。part2-3,:a natural beauty you would like to visit,a character in a movie or tv show(老曹)
上海对外贸易学院 Room203 15:20
work or student?
do you like your major?
Why do youth think that your major is important?
Why do you choose this major?
Do you want to find a job when you graduate?
Describe a job that you want to do in future
What job you will choose
Where you work
What requirements are needed in this job
And why you choose this job?
Why do people want to do a particular job?
Achievement and salary which is more important.
How to balance your job,family.
Which one do you prefer, working or study?
Concentrating on working,is this idea popular with Chinese people?