CNCL :Cancel
CNF: Conference
CMI :Commission
CMP :Complete
CMPE :Compete/competitive
CMU :Communication
CONC :Concern/concerning/concerned
COND :Condition
CO. :Company
DISC :Departure
EXCH: Exchange
EXT: Extent
FLT :Final
FRT: Freight
FYR :For your reference
GD :Good
GUAR :Guarantee
H.O. Home office
INFO :Information
IMPS :Impossible
IMP(T): Important
INCD :Include
INDIV :Individual
INS: Insurance
INTST :Interested
I/O :In stead of
IOU :I owe you
IVO: In view of
MANUF :Manufacture
MDL :Model
MEMO :Memorandum
MGR :Manger
MIN :Minimum
MKT :Market
MSG :Message
NCRY :Necessary
NLT :No later than
OBS :Observe
OBT :Obtain
ORD :Ordinary
PAT :Patent
PC :Piece
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