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  86、不全面的看法 an unbalanced view
  87、发展个人兴趣、发挥个人才干 explore one’s interests and talents
  88、费时的 time-consuming
  89、丰富人生阅历 enrichone’s life experience
  90、负面的榜样 negative role model
  91、积累经验 gain wider experience
  92、激烈的社会竞争 fierce social competition
  93、减轻父母的经济负担 relieve parents’ economic burden
  94、精神受到污染 be morally polluted
  95、觅到待遇优厚的工作 secure a handsomely-paid job
  96、认清职业兴趣和目标 identifyhis/her career interests and goals
  97、适应社会的 socially adaptable
  98、辛苦挣的钱 hard earned money
  99、重视 attach importance on
  100、最适合的职业 most fitting career
  101、做贡献 make a significant contribution to
  102、做义工 do voluntary work
  103、充分发挥 bring into full play
  104、达到目的 achieve one’s goal
  105、竞争的压力 pressure and stress of competition
  106、就读名牌学校 admission to prestigious school
  107、培养自信 foster confidence
  108、失去兴趣 lose interest in
  109、天生的欲望 a natural desire
  110、相互的帮助和支持 mutual aid and support
  111、永恒的主题 eternal theme
  112、增强我们的自尊心 strengthenour self-esteem
  113、追求卓越 strive for excellence
  114、完善自我 self-improvement
  115、高分低能的人 people with high marks and poor ability
  116、考试技巧 testing technique
  117、入学考试 entrance examination
  118、施加过多压力 exert too much pressure on
  119、丰富知识 enrich one’s knowledge
  120、自控能力 self-control ability
  121、储蓄的概念 concept of saving
  122、腐蚀小孩的思想 corruptchildren’s mind
  123、谨慎于 be cautious about
  124、培养独立精神 cultivate a spirit of independence
  125、设定目标 goal-setting
  126、消费习惯 spending habit
  127、不良的举止 indecent behavior
  128、根深蒂固的 deep-rooted
  129、良性竞争 benign competition
  130、树立好的榜样 set a good example
  131、对…造成心理上的伤害 flict deep psychologicalwounds on
  132、服从纪律 submit to discipline
  133、教训某人 teach sb. a good lesson
  134、出于善意的 well-intentioned
  135、课余辅导 instruction after school
  136、课余时间 after-class time
  137、没教养的 ill-bred
  138、为…负责 be responsible for
  139、专门机构 specialized institution
  140、学习氛围 academic atmosphere
  141、义务教育 compulsory education
  142、无礼和无修养的行为 disrespectful and undisciplined behavior
  143、做出正确判断 make correct judgment
  144、个人得失 personal gains and losses
  145、劳动技能 laboring skill
  146、物质享受 material comfort
  147、安排好时间 budget one’s time
  148、缓解经济压力 ease the financial strain
  149、养成勤俭节约的好习惯 form the good habit of frugality
  150、在学业和工作时间表中找到平衡 balance out your school and work schedules
  151、施展个人才华、能力 demonstrate one’s ability
  152、人才市场 talent market
  153、掌上明珠 the apple of someone’s eye
  154、缺乏教养 lack of manners
  155、是某人陷入绝望 drive somebody to despair
  156、用新的眼光判断 to evaluate … with a new standard
  157、维持/破坏课堂纪律 maintain/disrupt classroom order
  158、为排名高低而竞争 compete for higher rankings
  159、学习成绩不佳 poor academic performance
  160、学习进步 academic improvement来源:和谐英语
  161、一个可以接受的方式 a fairly acceptable way
  162、渴望引导 long for guidance
  163、适当的鼓励 proper encouragement
  164、贫困家庭 needy families来源:和谐英语
  165、掌握人际关系的技巧 master the skill of interpersonal relationship
  166、启发孩子的创造力 inspire children’s creativity
  167、被视为人生的一个转折点 be deemed a turning point in life
  168、素质教育能够减轻学生们沉重的课业负担。 Quality-oriented education will relieve students of their heavy burden of homework.
  169、做兼职是好是坏、关键在于你能否权衡学习和工作(的时间)。Whether taking part-time job is good or not just depends on whether you can strike a balance between your study and work.
  170、他们通常投奔父母征求意见与指导、而开始大学生活后、一切就要变了。 They have always had their parents to depend on for advice and guidance、 and when they arrive at universitytheir lives begin to change.
  和谐英语祝大家:Merry Christmas !