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雅思7天倒计时训练 被动语态


  Part V:听力口语训练
  Woman: You look cheerful today.
  Man: It’s nice to see the sun for a change.
  Man: I really thought I would win the match.
  Woman: Oh, well, better luck next time, Henry.
  Man: It’s raining again.
  Woman: This makes it four days in a row. Do you think it’ll ever stop?
  Woman: It looks like we won’t have enough time to do all we wanted to.
  Man: Who says we won’t? Let’s get going.
  Woman: Why do you always insist on wearing blue?
  Man: Because it suits me.
  Man: That’s a great sweater. I’ve never seen anything like it before.
  Woman: You think so? My mother made it for me two years ago, but this is the first time I dare to wear it in public.
  Woman: I’d love to come to your barbecue on Saturday, but my sister is arriving from Tianjin that day.
  Man: That’s no problem. The more the merrier.
  Woman: I can never tell if it’s Lisa or Mary on the phone. Their voices are so similar.
  Man: That’s about the only thing they have in common for sisters.
  cheerful adj.快活的,欢快的;in a row 连续;in public公开;barbecue n.烧烤;merrier (adj.merry的比较级)更快乐的;the more the merrier人越多越快乐
  Part VI:快速阅读
  Letter 1:
  Dear Sir or Madam,
  I wish to make a complaint(提出投诉)about a Walkman which I bought three days ago in the Duty Free section(免税区)of your airport.
  As(作为)is my habit(习惯), I made a point of(刻意)trying it out(试用)on the spot(现场). It worked perfectly well, so I went ahead(接着)and finished(完成)the purchas(购买).
  However, when I got home and tried it again, it seemed that the volume(音量)knob(旋钮)had ceased(停止)to work. Opening the back of the case(盒子), I found that the internal(内部)components(部件)of the Walkman were all rusted(生锈的). Not only that but some of the wires(线路)were broken(断了的)as well!
  I am sure that you will agree that this is a most unsatisfactory(令人不满的)situation. Therefore, I request(提请)you to arrange to replace(更换)this Walkman with another one, which must be in perfect working order(运作良好). Failing(做不到)that, I will have to insist on(坚持)a refund(退款)in full of the price(全价)which I paid for(支付)it.
  I look forward to your earliest reply.
  Yours sincerely,
  Kenny Gao
  Letter 2:
  Dear Sue,
  How are you? I obtained(获得)your name and address from Pen Pal(笔友)International. I am very glad to write to you and we become pen pals.
  Let me first introduce(介绍)myself. I’m currently(目前)working as an English teacher at Shanghai Onlytoya College. I graduated from Shanghai Foreign Languages University in 1988, majoring in English literature(文学)and linguistics(语言学). I got my Master’s degree in pragmatics(语用学)in 1998. I like playing erhu(二胡) (a kind of Chinese musical instrument乐器) and listening to pop music. I am also very interested in traveling. Oh, yes, I am a great bar-goer(喜欢去酒吧的人)!
  This summer, I will be traveling to Australia. I will be attending a conference(会议)on behalf of(代表)my college in Sydney(悉尼)from July 10 to 16. After the conference, I plan to do some sightseeing(观光)in Australia, maybe five more days. If you are free, I would be very happy to meet you in person(本人). Perhaps we could have lunch together.
  Well, let me finish here. I am already eagerly(急切地)awaiting(期待,等待)your reply to this first letter. Please tell me all about yourself and your interests. I hope we can become good friends.
  Yours truly,
  Kenny Gao