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09雅思作文 电影《穿Prada的恶魔》

  I’m a big movie buff(电影迷).
  I visit the movie theater regularly each month.
  But over the past few years, the one movie that touched me deeply was a star-ensembled(明星云集) movie--Devil Wears Prada starring Anne Hathaway and Meril Streeps.
  I saw this movie when I was coming out of high school.
  Most people think when you go to college, you experiment with new possibilities,
  you find a new style of fashion which is usually not allowed in high school.
  I saw so many of my friends putting on make-up and pursued high fashion (haute couture) , Gucci, Ferragamo, Prada.
  I almost lost myself in such a materialistic world.
  And this movie was my life saver.
  It was the story of a young girl trying to make a difference in the world.
  She entered a fashion magazine headquarter and became a modern-day Cinderella under a devil-like boss, who was played by Meril Streeps.
  The most impressive part was how she adapted to the new environment and emerged on top of everybody else.
  Such a change is breathtakingly amazing.
  I know a lot of people say the movie is not the same as the book,
  which tries to persuade people to stay simple and true to their own principles.
  But I can’t help loving it because I’m also at the crossroad of my life now.
  Am I going to follow suit blindly after other people, or do I stop and think and find out what I really want?
  Being true is not always easy, and it has a price to pay.
  But Andy, the heroine in that movie showed me courage to take any consequence of your brave choice.
  Love it!